An Argentine judge orders the release of businessman Carlos Ahumada | Internationale


A judge from Buenos Aires ordered this morning – Argentina local time – to release businessman Carlos Ahumada Kurtz, arrested on Friday, August 16 by Interpol and the Argentine Federal Police at the same time. 39, Jorge Newbery Airport, Buenos Aires. Mexican journalist Ciro Gómez Leiva said Sunday on his Twitter account that the judge had ordered the immediate release of Ahumada for "the absurdity of the case," said Mexican journalist Ciro Gómez Leiva. The businessman, he added, is already at home in the Argentine capital.

Ahumada Kurtz has been at the center of the Mexican press for the last ten years, when videos recorded by him have been made public in which bribes have been shown to close badociates of Mexico's head of government, Andrés Manuel López. Obrador. included René Bejarano, one of its main operators. Smoked had strengthened relations with politicians The Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) opened its doors to the public markets of the construction company Grupo Quartz in the capital. The videos hit the image of López Obrador. Years later, Smoked would implicate the Mexican executive in the scandal, stating that the Attorney General's Office and the Ministry of the Interior were aware of the broadcast of the recordings. After this revelation, Mr. Ahumada left for Cuba, where he was arrested and interrogated by the Caribbean authorities and deported to Mexico.

Ahumada Kurtz was a couple of Rosario Robles, former head of government of the PRD federal district and former state minister of Enrique Peña Nieto, who has now been jailed while the authorities are conducting an investigation into their participation in an alleged conspiracy corruption plot of more than $ 250 million under the government of former President Peña Nieto. President López Obrador refused to comment on the case and said that he would wait for the results of the investigation conducted by the Attorney General's Office (FGR).

The FGR resumed an investigation opened in 2016, during the six-year period of Peña Nieto, against Ahumada Kurtz. This is an alleged Treasury debt of 1.4 million pesos ($ 71,000) in the income tax category. The journalist Gómez Leyva showed on social networks the supposed documents that the defense of the employer had handed to the Argentine judge to obtain his release. You can read the payments made by the legal representative of Ahumada at the end of 2018 to correct the audits opened by the Mexican Treasury for debts in payment of taxes in 2012.

Smoked is also indicated by Mexican justice for forgery of documents and extortion. Robles denounced the employer in 2013 for this latest crime, but Ahumada got an amparo to avoid his capture. Based in Argentina, this businessman tried to start his life by investing mainly in the football sector, after his experience of running clubs in Mexico. In the southern country, he drove university youth clubs and students. His stay in Argentina was not without controversy and Smoked was involved in a legal proceeding in which He was represented by the former judge of the Supreme Court of Argentina, Eugenio Zaffaroni, a man close to Kirchnerism, reports Federico Rivas. His name appeared linked to that of a cabinet minister of the former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, after a A drug trafficker convicted of a triple crime accused Ahumada of having extorted the perpetrator, although the detainee can not prove his accusation.

Mexican justice claims to have enough evidence to accuse Ahumada and asked Interpol to stop the Argentinian businessman. The prosecutor's office explained in a statement that it would begin "immediately" the process of extradition to Mexico. The FGR has not ruled on Sunday on the release of Ahumada in Buenos Aires, which raises questions about the future of the process against him.


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