An Argentine pediatrician won a gold medal in Switzerland for her invention


"I have something to tell you.I came to Geneva, Switzerland, to present my work EvasetBbebe.All together for parents of neurodevelopmental observation to prevent and act in time before the development of neurological pathologies of the child My 20 years as a doctor, my 15 years as a pediatrician Very happy for the worldwide recognition among 540 exhibitors. I won a gold medal. It comes from my patients. All for the good and health of them that I love so much, "was the emotional message that pediatrician Lelis Hayipandelli shared with the families in her office.

Hayipandelli (MN 99664), doctor and university professor, worked in the main neonatology departments of the most prestigious health centers of Buenos Aires.

The invention allows the families themselves to follow the neurological advancement of boys based on games and activities. All, ranked by age, won the award gold medal in Geneva in the category "Teaching materials and methods"


The set consists of one bag per stage (from 0 to 12 months or from 12 to 24 months), elements of stimulation, play and evaluation, a USB key with videos, an explanatory book.

During the presentation of the product, Hayipandelli explains: "I am a pediatrician and for many years I have been evaluating patients and during consultations, I noticed an increase in incidence of neurological problems in children. In the first two years of life, we can act. For this, about three years ago, I was thinking of designing a method for the father to evaluate his son at home and see, month by month, whether his son is growing up neurologically well. "

Argentine pediatrician Lelis Hayipandelli, winner in Switzerland.
Argentine pediatrician Lelis Hayipandelli, winner in Switzerland.

Does the father or mother know if their child is growing according to their age? "This method, which I have adapted from the teachings of the great precursors of this field, is to allow parents to make a quick badessment at home in a few minutes." a method of examination also serves for early stimulation, is very useful for premature children, "he explained.

The goal is to be able to help in the description toThe doctor says what was observed in the boy. "Say for example"my son does not fulfill such a thingAnd that the pediatrician determines whether it is necessary to consult another specialist and thus prevent the problems of neurodevelopment. With this method, as a parent, you already know from the first month of life what you need to do and what you do not have to do.

Presentation of the set at the Posadas Hospital


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