An Argentine tourist had a serious accident in Mexico and the family is asking for help to bring him


"He forgot the key, he wanted to enter the window and he fell from the first floor," he said. The fall caused him multiple fractures of the hip, sacrum, pelvis and shoulder and you need a hip prosthesis.

"We run with time, it happened Sunday, we have to exploit it and bring it in one way or another," says father in connection with the money raised to get a medical plane.

"We do not have the funds to operate there or for the plane", adds and says that since Ministry of Foreign Affairs They did not offer answers: "They say they do not have a budget, call me and they do not tell us anything.".

Daniel estimates that it takes about $ 80,000 to bring his 28 year old daughter and pbad the data in case anyone could contribute:

– savings account in pesos 0542/01120507/47

– Bank: ICBC

– COOKED 0000012728597

– CBU 01505429/01000120507479


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