An Argentinian grill, among the 5 best restaurants in Latin America


The first two places, for the third year in a row, were Peruvian restaurants the maido, from the Peruvian chef of Japanese origin Mitsuharu Tsumura and Central He took second place.

However, the big winner was "Micha" Tsumura, a chef whose family is from Osaka but was born in Peru and who, with his restaurant in Lima, became the maximum exhibitor of Nikkei cuisine, which combines dishes and Peruvian and Japanese ingredients to create a mix that, at the highest level, finds no opponent in the region.

Since seven editions of Latin American restaurants that make "The World's Top 50" have begun, it was the first time that the Culinary Contest Awards Ceremony took place in Argentina.

The top 5 was completed by Boragó, a native of Santiago de Chile, who lost a place against the list of 2018 while remaining at the top of the ranking.

The top 10 in Latin America

1. Maido, Lima, Peru.

2. Central, Lima, Peru.

3. Pujol, Mexico City, Mexico.

4. Don Julio, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

5. Boragó, Santiago, Chile.

6. Casa do Porco, San Pablo, Brazil.

7. El Chato, Bogotá, Colombia.

8. Leo, Bogotá, Colombia.

9. Osso, Lima, Peru.

10. D.O.M., San Pablo, Brazil.


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