An Argentinian Pompeo in Washington | Macri sent a …


The Secretary of Strategic Affairs of the Chief of Staff, Fulvio Pompeo, was sent by President Mauricio Macri to Washington to meet the US and OAS authorities in the context of the situation in Venezuela.

The Argentinian leader, whose last name is the same as Donald Trump's secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, made an express trip to see directly the plans of the republican administration after the recognition of the president of Juan Guaidó, president of the National Assembly. .

Maceo Pompeo did not meet with Pompeo de Trump, but with the Western Hemisphere's senior director of affairs at the National Security Council, Mauricio Claver-Carone, who told him that the White House was not going to be able to do so. did not rule out new sanctions against Nicolás Maduro's government. Washington badyzes the extension to oil and gold and only transactions with Guaidó would be valid. "Maduro is an obstacle to democracy in Venezuela," Claver-Carone said a few days earlier.

After his appointment with the head of Trump, Pompeo met with Uruguayan Luis Almagro, secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), another Maduro critic. Argentina's ambbadador to the OAS, Paula Bertol, was also present at this meeting; the institutional affairs advisor of the organization, Gustavo Cinosi; and Gerardo Díaz Bartolomé, chief of political affairs of the United States Embbady in the United States.

"I met with the Secretary for Strategic Affairs, Fulvio Pompeo, Ambbadador Paula Bertol and Gerardo Díaz Bartolomé to discuss the region's main problems and OAS cooperation and cooperation. Argentina, "he said via Twitter.

Finally, Pompeo's agenda was complemented by dialogues with the Pentagon's deputy secretary for Latin American affairs, Sergio de la Peña; and Kimberly Breier, Undersecretary of State for the Western Hemisphere.

Pomeo has ratified in all its meetings that the position of the Argentine government: Maduro must resign and a transitional government must call elections. Argentina was one of the countries in the region that recognized self-proclaimed President Guaidó, alongside the United States. Uruguay and Mexico, which consider Maduro as the legitimate president of Venezuela, animate the channels of dialogue.

Overall, China and Russia have demonstrated in favor of the Chabad leader. Today, the United States has called on the Security Council for the Venezuelan crisis. Russia tried to block the session but lost the vote on the agenda. The United States tries during these hours to recognize Guaidó like president.


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