An economist from Alberto Fernández compared the debt with "falopa" and repented


Emmanuel Álvarez Agis is one of the economists closest to Alberto Fernández. Criticism of the economic management of Mauricio Macri's government, makes a controversial comparison when he listed the negative effects of the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

"The problem is that debt is like falopa: at first it's rich, but then it kills. That's the problem"he held a dialogue with A24although he soon realized that he had made an explosion and tried to tone down his words.

"It's horrible what I just said, I think I regret. Some laughed (for cameramen and producers) who go into debt, "he said with a small smile.

Álvarez Agis was Deputy Minister of Economy during the management of Axel Kicillof and had been noticed during the Fernandez campaign by giving several interviews. In one of the last notes, he considered that the next government must "refinance" the debt. With these words, he tried to calm the markets after a hand in hand with ClarinFernandez baderted that his intention was to negotiate an obligation for a bondholder, which created a high degree of uncertainty among the major economic players.

"It was a very unfortunate statement because the financial market has certain technicalities and say that some things have special meaning," Alvarez Agis said in a statement to the channel. C5N, Monday evening.


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