An English deputy called to sink foreign ships as was the case with the Belgrano


The Argentine government has "strongly" condemned the "deplorable" statements of the British MEP Robert Rowland who, in a publication on social networks, demanded that foreign fishing vessels benefit "the same treatment as Belgrano", in reference to the ship sunk by the navy. English during the Falklands war, causing the death of 323 members of the Argentine crew.

"The Argentinian government strongly condemns the deplorable statements of the British MEP Robert Rowland, which were made via social networks on July 10," the Argentine Foreign Ministry said via its official Twitter account. "Their statements dishonor the memory of the 323 victims who perished at the sinking of General Belgrano's cruiser of the ARA in 1982, offend their loved ones and testify to a flagrant disregard for human life," the spokesman said. San Martín Palace.

Rowland, an investment fund manager, made these controversial remarks via Twitter when he spoke of "the restoration of sovereignty" over British waters by thanking a Member of the European Parliament, June Mummery, for Have sat on the fisheries committee. of the European Parliament. "We are behind all our fishermen and the restoration of sovereignty over our waters … 200 miles from exclusion zone for any foreign fishing boat will enjoy the same treatment as the Belgrano! Bravo, we are at 110% with you and we will make sure that you cause them hell in the committee, "wrote the MEP.

His remarks sparked criticism and questions from other MEPs, such as Liberal Democrat Chris Davies, elected this week as chair of the European Parliament's fisheries committee: "It's a call to death , a call to the fishermen Another nation to die in our waters is evil, it makes me nauseous. "

After the repudiation of the Argentine Foreign Ministry by the declarations of the British MP, the British ambbadador to Argentina, Mark Kent, joins the controversy as an excuse, "the conflict leads to nothing, as there are different positions on certain points. that we must respect the human values ​​that unite us, we have a modern program of mutual benefits and a humanitarian program, and we continue on this path.

During the Falklands war, the British nuclear submarine HMS Conqueror attacked the cruiser General Belgrano, making 323 dead crew members out of a total of 1,093 men and women on board. The sinking of the Belgrano took place on May 2, 1982 at 5 pm, outside the conflict zone established by London. Two torpedoes launched by the Conqueror hit the stern and the bow and ship quickly began to sink.

The United Kingdom and Mauricio Macri's government tried to move away from the tone of confrontation that characterized the long Kirchner period. The arrival of Ambbadador Kent in Buenos Aires accentuated this new tone. The Macri government and Chancellor Jorge Faurie are looking for less frontal and professional diplomacy lines, in contrast to the continuous enlightened rhetoric that has been used by Cristina Kirchner's government. Explosions like that of Rowland MEP endanger this delicate diplomatic work. Rowland is a man accustomed to this type of approach: he is part of the Brexit supporters, of the total break and without negotiations with the European Union. He is part of a generation of "anti-political" lawmakers who has appeared in the UK in recent years.


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