An English nightclub open for 3,000 people without chinstrap – News


With a strong security operation, a crowd was called to dance at the Circus nightclub, without masks or social distancing.

The place was open between 2pm and 11pm, during a historic event called “The first dance “ (The first dance ”.

Entrance was reserved for guests who previously had to prove they did not have coronavirus.

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Although alcohol gel and hand sanitizer were provided, masks were not allowed to be worn.

Authorities explained that after the event, participants are to undergo a PCR test to “contribute to the investigation and ensure that any transmission of the virus is properly controlled.”

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“Together with the Liverpool City Council team, we have organized these events in a safe manner, with a particular focus on helping the UK move closer to life beyond COVID-19, which for me and Circus was a great honor, ”said DJ Yousef Zaher, owner of the circus, in the middle new.

For her part, Liverpool Culture Director Claire McColgan said it was “a particularly difficult process as the night area has not been open for over a year”.

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Further, he noted that it was “a different event than what people are used to, from the ticketing process to getting a negative PCR test to be allowed entry.”

This Saturday, the event will also be repeated, from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m., and a similar number of people are expected.


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