An English teacher mistreated his 14-year-old student and had a child with him | Chronic


The event that caught the attention of Italian public opinion began about two years ago, when the parents of a 14-year-old boy were looking for a private teacher to help him with his English clbades.

The 35-year-old woman, whose identity is unknown until now, has had a friendly relationship with the victim's family, so she has not hesitated to go see her.

The accused is married and has a 7 year old son. He is the youngest and lives in the Italian city of Prato, a city of less than 200,000 inhabitants. She works as a nurse for the elderly and people with reduced mobility.

When she got pregnant a year and a half ago, everyone thought she was expecting her husband's second child. It was the parents of the 14-year-old boy who started to notice strange behavior on the part of the child.

The testimony of the victim

The boy confessed to his parents: "It's this woman's fault, I wanted her to be alone with her, she was shouting at him to leave me alone, I told him that I did not want to be with her anymore, and then she mated me with her. said the son who had given birth was not from her husband, mine. "

The child not only told his family his anguish, but also taught him the messages that she had sent him. Done by which they decided to seek legal advice and to bring the woman to justice.

How did justice act?

The prosecutor's office in Prato opened an investigation into alleged badual violence against women and raided his home last Friday. Some items were diverted, including a smartphone and a computer.

The lawyer of the family of the teenager, Roberta Roviello, suggested that it is not material objects or gifts that prompted the minor to have bad with the woman. She says that there was "Tricks" continues with which the lady tried to keep the kid next to her. "Clearly the woman was in love with the child"said the lawyer.

The defendant agreed to perform the DNA test requested by the prosecution to determine who was the father of the 5-month-old child. In fact, he appeared with her husband, who, according to Italian media, is the accomplice of the woman.

The result

Finally, after a game started on Sunday, it was determined that the 14-year-old boy was the father of the baby that the woman had five months ago. The researchers were able to compare the DNA of the baby and the teenager after the teacher authorized the badysis. The geneticists appointed by the prosecutor's office provided the results of tests confirming the charges: the child was born from the relationship between the woman and the child.

From justice, they always hope to conduct further interrogations to know what to do, not only with the newly born child, but also with the son of the marriage, who is hitherto strongly engaged.


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