An envoy of Theresa May arrived in Buenos Aires and proposed business after Brexit – 22/02/2019


An ambbadador of the Prime Minister, Theresa May, specializing in commercial affairs, is in Buenos Aires until Saturday with clear intentions: to continue to build links outside the sovereignty dispute over the Falklands, to increase trade , bilateral investments and pave the way. more and more bilateral acts as the UK has finalized its seizure process of separation from the European Union.

Mark Menzies arrived in the country last Monday without prior announcement, but as a result of the deal between May and Mauricio Macri, while both were alone together in a section of the G20 summit at the end of the year. 39, last year. This Friday, he is received at Casa Rosada by the Chief of Staff, Marcos Peña, by the powerful Secretary of Energy, Gustavo Lopetegui, and by the Minister of Production, Dante Sica. On Thursday, he was accompanied by the head of the city government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, and the provisional president of the Senate, Federico Pinedo, among others.

Meanwhile, it was learned this Friday that on March 13, relatives of the victims of the 1982 war would make a new humanitarian flight to Darwin Cemetery. Funded by businessman Eduardo Eurnekian, CEO of Corporación América, the flight from the Andes will depart from Ezeiza that day and will return at sunset with 158 people. Fifty families of deceased people whose loved ones were not part of the flight last year. This is part of the humanitarian plan to identify the remains that remained in Darwin without an identity. There are already 110 identified out of 122 who did not have it. In total, there are now 229 graves.

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In a message that he gave Thursday on Twitter at the British residence housing Ambbadador Mark Kent, Menzies felt it was "a privilege" to be in Argentina, where he was he said he has met and will meet with national and provincial officials, legislators, diplomats and young leaders, in addition to British businessmen who invest in this country. "The UK is open to business, you are welcome and I want you to be part of the future of business together."

During his first visit to the country, Prime Minister Mark Menzies' trade envoy to Argentina highlighted the potential for increased trade and investment between and.

– British Embbady (@UKinArgentina) February 21, 2019

Yesterday, after his interview with Larreta, where they talked about the interest of Transit for London (TFL) to take control of the City metro as they do in London, Menzies was put on the H line by the Ambbadador Kent. On a very amusing photo like the one that the diplomat usually posts, they posed with the oyster – the map they use in London on public transport – while Tim Hanson, director of the commercial area of the Embbady, ​​showed his Argentine Sube card.

Federico Pinedo and other lawmakers received Mark Menzies, the envoy of Prime Minister Theresa May, to Congress. Although it took place in the Senate, MP Eduardo Amadeo also participated in the meeting, among others

Federico Pinedo and other lawmakers received Mark Menzies, the envoy of Prime Minister Theresa May, to Congress. Although it took place in the Senate, MP Eduardo Amadeo also participated in the meeting, among others

The commercial correspondent of the Prime Minister, also a member of the British Parliament, arrived on Monday and was already in Bariloche, visiting the Invap, Llao Llao Hotel and Balseiro. Also in Mendoza, where he received Governor Alfredo Cornejo and part of his team. In Mendoza 's governor' s page, he announced that, in addition to the bilateral commercial potential, Menzies had invited Cornejo to attend a fair in London in late May in order to strengthen ties in search of a better future. investments.

Mauricio Macri and Theresa May met alone at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires on November 30 and December 1 - E m C

Mauricio Macri and Theresa May met alone at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires on November 30 and December 1 – E m C

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

One of the most interesting aspects of this visit is the mention of the Argentineans in Menzies that is planned to that the British embark on the exploitation of the Vaca Muerta deposit in Neuquén, always present in the commercial offers of Macri.

This is an interesting aspect because in the roadmap signed between the two countries in 2016 to complete its bilateral thaw on all issues, there is a chapter on the South Atlantic conflict, in which the parties maintain their different positions, but in which they committed themselves to "removing the obstacles" to the Malvinas Islands. One of them was hydrocarbons, sanctions imposed by the Kirchner of the executive and Congress to companies that explore and exploit in controversial waters. These do not apply but are still valid by law.

Last year, during his visit to Buenos Aires, the former Foreign Minister of May, Boris Johnson, today a rival, said that his country was ready to sign agreements Mercosur once the Brexit is finalized, which should come into force on 29 May. Of March. The same thing Ambbadador Kent said in an interview with Clarín.

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The British are even willing to sign bilateral agreements with Argentina once they leave the EU, if Mercosur allows it – currently, its regulations do not allow it – and still according to the formula of the "umbrella of sovereignty" over the Malvinas.

Anecdote: The only official who arrested the conflict Thursday was Pinedo, at the legislators meeting in Menzies. They commented Clarin diplomats, that the issue has not been mentioned in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In fact, it is striking that the palace of San Martin avoided to communicate the lunch that Menzies kept there. The reason is unknown.

Menzies met with the CARI Joven (Argentine Council for International Relations), the Anglo-Argentine Chamber of Commerce and economists.


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