An expert says there are no "magic bullets" to stop smoking | Cuyo Newspaper


San Juan will host the 11th Argentine Congress on Tobacco or Health, to be held July 5-7, at the Convention Center and Civic Center. At the meeting, professionals will talk about the "terrible plague" because it is about tobacco addiction and the damage it causes in physical and mental health.

In dialogue with DIARIO DE CUYO, the expert on the subject, Cristina Gaitán, explained that the theme of the congress is to deal with the importance of smoke-free places, smoking for the first time. organism and multiple diseases that exist because of cigarette addiction.

Are there magical solutions to quit smoking?

"We defend that no one thinks of magic solutions, we have scientific methods proven and which begin with a questioning to know the profile of each smoker, everybody does not smoke in the same way because it can be a psychological or social dependence, but there are pharmacological treatments but not self-medication, since each case has its follow-up. "

Can you stop to smoke overnight?

"There are people who can, what happens to each person is a motivation, but most of the time it does not happen What you need to demystify, that's the "I can not" because everyone can do it if there is commitment and will. "

Is it time to stop smoking?

"We try not to put it on. You must understand that the smoker is a patient who has all his life armed with cigarettes. that we must build a new world and understand that the hands can be free of tobacco, if we see that it exceeds a reasonable time, we try to set limits. "

At what age does the smoker begin to have harmful effects?

" People start very early and cigarette smoking hides symptoms for 20 to 30 years. Over time, the smoker says "I smoke and it does not matter to me", the damage is silent and the sooner you stop smoking, the better it is. "

Are there any statistics on smokers with cancer?

" What we can say is that 97% of people with lung cancer are smokers. "The most affected organ is the lungs, and one-third of the smoking population develops Epoc (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and heart conditions."

That makes it easier to smoke, men or women?

"Historically, men smoked more than women, so the pathology was more popular among men, today the number of women and men who smoke is badimilated. those who come for treatment. "

Has the smoking population increased or decreased?

"We managed to reduce the percentage of the population that smoke, 5 years ago we had 35% WHO (World Health Organization) relieved by 22% in Argentina Unfortunately, there is still a Early onset, we are talking to teens from 10 to 12 years old, but it is encouraging that many of them are joining the treatment and awareness campaigns of people who quit smoking are good. "

Cristina Gaitán, President of the Scientific Committee

She is a Medical Pneumonologist, Chief of Evita Hospital's Pneumology Department, Allergy Specialist, Medical Auditor and Professor. He is also a member of the Antitabáquica Union Argentina, as chairman of the Scientific Committee.

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