An expert thinks you can live with yacaras without any danger


Sunday, July 8, 2018 6:56 AM

PROTAGONIST. An adult overo yacar specimen, from Esteros del Iberá, similar to that of Santa Bárbara.

In the land of tapir, saying "yacaré" generates stupor, fear or simply curiosity. It is that there is ignorance. So it's a relief to know that in the face of a sound it will generally recoil. And it does not feed on large animals, but its diet is based on snails, fish, perhaps birds and small mammals.

Carlos Piña researcher of the Conic of Diamante (Entre Ríos), expert in yacarés, lends his eyes to demolishing the myths and to providing more knowledge on the subject of which the Tucumán people spoke week

"I read that someone gave directions on how to act in the presence of a yacare. I think the essential n & # 39; They will not attack us First it will make noise, it will inflate, it will move the vegetation to get noticed, because does not want to reach the encounter with a human.Because if it happens, he knows that the only thing he will lose is energy and that he will not be able to use it as food "[19659009explainsPiñaalsodirectorofConicetSantaFe'sCenterforScientificResearchandTechnologyTransferforProductionand member of the group of specialists crocodiles of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

On the other hand, the expert points out that the jacares should not be a danger to the inhabitants of Tucumán . "There are a lot of myths around – it's not the same as those yacarés that crocodiles look like in Australia." These are not animals that endanger the size of people On the other hand, I do not exclude that the yacaré can eat cows that were already dead, but do not kill them to eat them, "says the expert.

– Do you know any cases of attacks against humans?

– I have two: a in El Bañado la Estrella (Formosa). They were sinners who were where they should not be. And the other case is doubtful; it arrived in Corrientes . They showed wounds that did not look like yacar, but rather dogs. There may be more cases, but they did not come to me.

– What are they feeding on?

– Insects and snails. And in their stomach we also found feathers and scales. They do not hunt actively. They are more opportunistic because they decide to conserve energy . They do not chew, but they swallow pieces. They are limited to smaller things .

– They said that they have no predators in Tucuman Is this real?

– It's a mistake. Natural predators are ants that eat chicks, herons, carnivorous fish such as toothfish or seabream . There are many predators and you are not so far from your natural environment. From what I saw, there are pigs and dogs that preceded the nests . Even cold winters usually kill small pigeons. If there is an increase in population, it is not because of the lack of predators

– what to do with them now?

– If they were dangerous animals with society, a move could be made . In wildlife management, eradication is not a simple task either. But I do not think that is the case . I do not know about Tucumán's legislation on wildlife management plans either. Of course, yacar hunting in Argentina is prohibited, unless it is permitted by a management program . Natural resources are the power of the province.



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