An important Spanish newspaper, Juliana Awada, defender of her role in the government


In a detailed note, he compared it to Michele Obama and said "it left little flavor".

April 17, 2019

The newspaper The country of Spain he published a detailed note where he criticized the first lady Juliana Awada. For the morning, the wife of Mauricio Macri "promised", however, "left little flavor" because they consider that did not have direct action in the decisions of Casa Rosada.

"The press was then enthused by a female character who was then powerful and worth exploring." world thanks to its relationship with the world of fashion. The president's wife "promised", as they say in Argentina. But after three years as first lady, Awada has left little taste, "says the newspaper.

The note does not mention that Awada was denounced by the alleged crime of running a business with sweatshops.

The morning Spanish newspaper then recalled that Argentina had good first ladies Eva Perón or Cristina Kirchner. " Awada chose the house "he claimed The country d & # 39; Spain.


The newspaper mentioned that the first lady can have an influence on the electorate because she can be an ambitious figure. This reason has led to begin to be shown on social networks for their trips to the dining rooms. "On Instagram, you can now see photos of the tours that Awada does at least once a week in soup kitchens or very poor neighborhoods," he says.


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