An impressive video shows the fall of a meteorite in the United States


It arrived in Florida. The camera of a vehicle took the phenomenon, which was later confirmed by the authorities of the northern country. Look at the pictures in this note.

The impressive moment in which a meteorite fell was captured by the camera of a car, as it was traveling on an avenue in Florida, United States. In addition to the surprised driver, thousands of people reported the phenomenon which was later confirmed by the National Weather Service -NWS, for its acronym in English-.

The images are eloquent and you can see how the bright material is lost on the horizon, although it gives the impact on the Earth, a fact that has not been ruled out by the authorities.

"We have heard reports that he is close to the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) near Perry, Florida, but we can not confirm anything," the NWS said on Twitter.

Jania Kadar was one of the privileged who could see what was going on. He was with a friend in the backyard of his house when the black night sky cleared: "It's like someone had lit the stage lights." Suddenly, I look up and see a blue-green flash. daylight "

In addition, the woman added: "This apparently lasted a few seconds because at the time, I thought to myself," What is it? "It was over, it was absolutely amazing."

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