An infectologist said if the vaccines had arrived on time there would have been “fewer deaths”


The former president of the Argentinian Society of Infectology and doctor of the Muñiz Lautaro De Vedia hospital said this Saturday that “I have no doubts that if we had had more vaccinations in the time that was said, we would have had fewer deaths now“So alluded to the figure of more than 80 thousand dead by Covid-19 reached on Friday.

“How much I don’t know, it is difficult to know exactly how many people would have been saved“He said if 5 million doses had arrived in March as promised by President Alberto Fernández.

In the purchase of vaccines by the government “there have been many potholes, many black spots, many unfounded promises and I believe that even if in June and July the number is expected to increase, which I’m definitely celebrating, I think we need to be clear. this there was an indisputable deficit and that this has an impact on mortality rates and occupancy of therapy beds. “

This is how he agreed with his colleague Roberto Debbag who had declared that “the vaccines should have arrived on time and in good condition and thousands of deaths had been avoided”. On April 1, “2.4 million Argentines over the age of 60 were vaccinated and 5 million of them had not yet been vaccinated, if five million had been vaccinated with the doses promised, agreed and paid for before. on April 1, in the month of May 12,000 people died, between 8,000 and 9,000 people over 60 years of age are believed to have died“, he explained to Debbag.

At this stage “there is no doubt that the only tool we have is that of vaccines and even if we know that there is a complex situation in terms of availability, it is also true that our country did not present the best management on this issueDe Vedia added in a statement to the sober Dato show Dato on Milenium radio.

Regarding the level of infections in recent days, he assured that “in the capital there seems to be a downward curve, slow but downward, the average number of cases has fallen ”. In the province of Buenos Aires “it has remained more stable, it has also fallen but a little less and in the rest of the country the situation is really complicated,” he added.

Regarding restrictions on movement and trade, he commented that “I tend to think that the restrictions are not good in all respects, over there rather localized in certain activities, but it is very difficult, especially when one faces one knows that there is the very serious economic situation of the population “.

The expert committee that advises President Alberto Fernández “has a very good role. They are all prestigious and serious people. I know the great majority and I put my hands in the fire for the honesty and the seriousness and the scientific level of all ”.

“I understand that political divisions prevail and that it should not be easy. Looking back, already with the Monday newspaper, we can say that maybe the excessively long quarantine of last year, that the boys should have gone back to class earlier, but now I can see it more clearly now, ”he said.

It has always been stressed that “vaccines they were the tool to finish stopping this pandemic and I think that’s still the only certainty, “he commented.

“Everything else is palliative measuress to flatten the curve to allow time, just like last year was to prepare the health team, this year is for more vaccines to come. Fortunately, there are already many groups vaccinated, the percentage is slowly increasing and this is the huge challenge we all have, ”concluded De Vedia.

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