An inflatable castle exploded on the beach and threw a 4-year-old girl into the air


The tragedy occurred on a beach in Norfolk, England. An inflatable castle exploded on the beach and threw a girl playing in the air.

The four-year-old miner, according to British media reports, died shortly after arriving at the hospital because of injuries.

Norfolk police was alerted at 11:15 am, after receiving reports that a minor had been "thrown from an inflatable castle".

The ambulance crews arrived in four minutes and the girl, who suffered a cardiac arrest, received CPR on the scene.

taken at James Paget Hospital two miles (a little over three kilometers), but died soon after.

"I just saw the most horrible thing of my life, an inflatable castle exploded on the beach and the girl was catapulted to about 20 feet (6 meters) in tunes " said Kara Longshaw, a witness to the tragedy.

Karen, another witness, added: "I heard the roar and immediately made a U-turn, I spoke with someone who was describing me thrown at about 20 feet in the air and landed on the ground, the bouncy castle was like a trampoline. "

The causes of the tragedy are being investigated. The owner of the playground, Curt Johnson, who was not on the scene, said that the boat had exploded "because of the heat".

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