An influential political scientist admitted to having abused …


The political scientist Olivier Duhamel, one of the best-known analysts and academics in France, He admitted this Wednesday to having sexually abused his stepson, indicated the French media. Duhamel, according to the France Info station, was questioned by the Police Brigade for the protection of minors as part of the investigation opened on January 5 by the Paris prosecutor’s office for rape and sexual assault.

Investigations have started after her daughter-in-law, the lawyer Camille Kouchner, denounced these abuses in her book “The Big Family”. Camille Kouchner pointed out in this work that the events occurred when her twin brother was a teenager.

The brothers, who are now 45 years old, They are the children of Bernard Kouchner, co-founder of Médecins sans frontières and French Minister of Foreign Affairs (2007-10)But they grew up with Duhamel, second husband of their mother, Evelyne Pisier, author and professor of political thought who died in 2017.

The controversy that arose after the incest charge led Duhamel, 70, resigned in January from his post as president of the National Foundation for Political Science (FNSP), the governing body of the prestigious Institut d’études politiques de Paris (known as the Political science, ranks second in the world ranking in politics and international studies, only surpassed by Harvard), as well as in other functions.

The academic is the son of a deputy and during his long and impressive career he was also, among others, a member of the Constitutional Council from 1983 to 1995 and a Socialist deputy from 1997 to 2004.

The accusation against him shook the country and led to the birth of a new #Metoo, in which other victims told their own cases of incest on the networks.

Duhamel was not the only personality known in the limelight: producer Dominique Boutonnat, responsible for hits such as “Intouchables” (“Intouchables”) and president of the National Cinematographic Center (CNC), was arrested in February after being arrested. under examination for his godson of sexual assault and attempted rape.

With the indictment of Duhamel The philosopher Alain Finkielkraut, sacked from the LCI channel for asking on the air if there could have been consent, and Sciences Po director Frédéric Mion, who resigned in February after being accused of failing to act despite being aware of the alleged abuses.

The France Info station detailed this Wednesday that as prescribed by the events denounced by Kouchner, the political scientist cannot be questioned under arrest nor be prosecuted, so there will be no trial, even if the investigation is continues to search for other potential victims.

In his statement, Duhamel admitted to “sexual touching” for several months with his stepson, but assured that it was a consensual relationship and described it as “a story of shared love”. And he categorically denied having subjected the boy to oral sex. According to experts in French law, the absence of felattios prevents the events from being qualified as rape and keeps them in the category of sexual assault, much less legally serious.

In any case, he insisted on the fact that the touching had ceased before 1990, which assures him, if the contrary is not proven, that the facts have prescribed it and that he cannot be judged.


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