An institutional putschist who escaped accusations | …


Former Brazilian President Michel Temer Acquitted By Brazilian Justice In Corruption Process against him for supposedly beneficial companies in the port sector and receive bribes in return. The Brasilia justice also acquitted five other people because considered that the prosecution did not present enough to determine that a crime has been committed.

El juez Marcus Vinícius Reis Bastos, of the 12th Federal Court of the Federal District, received the case after Temer lost his jurisdiction in 2019. According to the judge, the complaint does not explain what bribes the ex-president allegedly received for having signed on decree 9.048 / 2017 this would have benefited the companies of the port of Santos, in the town of San Pablo.

In the judgment which acquits Temer, they stress that “no single reason was indicated why third parties would spend sums on behalf of a public official for an indefinite period, without any indication that the official was entitled to perform the desired official act, ”according to the UOL news portal. The judge also acquitted the owner of the Rodrimar company, Antonio Celso Greco and the former Rodrimar executive, Ricardo Conrado Mesquita and three other defendants, Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper reported. According to the morning The decree provided for an increase in the duration of the contract from 25 to 35 years and the possibility of extending it up to 70 years.

Port decree

The complaint has been filed by the Attorney General, Raquel dodge, at the end of December 2018, when Temer was still in office and had the jurisdiction that Brazilian law grants to heads of state. The investigation into the port decree case was opened in September 2017 based on revelations and evidence gathered under judicial collaboration agreements in which some defendants indicated Temer’s participation as head of state.

To file a complaint, prosecutor Dodge relied on a report presented by the federal police in which she pointed out that there were indications that Temer had sanctioned a decree amending the port law for the benefit of certain companies in the port sector. According to the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office, Rodrimar is one of the companies that has benefited the most from the signing of the decree. Rodrimar is named by investigators in the case as one of those responsible for paying bribes to Temer, who allegedly received some 32.6 million reais (approximately $ 8.3 million) in illicit money .

History of arrests

The multiple processes against Temer were paralyzed during his tenure and were reactivated after losing privileges after the inauguration of Jair Bolsonaro. In 2019, Temer was arrested twice. In March 2019, he spent four days behind bars in a case in which the prosecution accused him of benefiting from bribes paid by different companies and of being the main leader of a criminal organization which for 40 years has embezzled $ 500 million in public resources. In May 2019, the former president spent several days in preventive detention for another procedure in which he was accused of receiving bribes in exchange for work contracts at the Angra 3 nuclear power plant in Rio de Janeiro. . Temer has been released and responds to these processes with complete freedom.

Temer, now 80 years old, succeeded after the institutional coup after the former president of the Workers’ Party (PT), Dilma Rousseff, in May 2016. At the time, Temer was the vice-president by Rousseff. The politician led the Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB) party for more than ten years. Since replacing Dilma in mid-2016, the BMD leader has been the subject of various corruption suspicions, including formal complaints filed. But while he was head of state, the Chamber of Deputies refused to strip him of his privileges and prevented the possible opening of a criminal trial against him.

The illustrated coup

Last year his book came out “The option: how a president managed to overcome, managed to overcome a serious crisis and present an agenda for Brazil”. There he recounts how, a year before Rousseff’s dismissal, he met senior military commanders, including General Eduardo Villas Boas, who was then the maximum commander of the army, and Sergio Etchegoyen, chief of staff. general.

A month ago Villas Boas also published their book General Villas Boas: conversations with the captain. His revelations coincide with those of the recently acquitted former president, the former commander admits to having met on several occasions the vice-president of the time Michel Temer, in full conspiracy to unleash the institutional coup against the former president by PT Dilma Rousseff.


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