An intellectual of Macrista compared the triumph of Alberto Fernández to the rise of Adolf Hitler


The intellectual macro Juan José Sebreli he compared the triumph of the formula of the Front of all Alberto Fernández – Cristina Kirchner sure Mauricio Macri – Miguel Ángel Pichetto with the victory of Adolf Hitler Germany.

"Unfortunately, society … I come back to the example of the German society that voted for Hitler, they were delighted and not just the ignorant. University courses supported HitlerWinners of the Nobel Prize, the artists were in love with Hitler, "he said. Sebreli

The writer close to Macri He attempted an explanation of the electoral defeat of Cambiemos by baderting that human beings have a high degree of decision in irrationality.

"It's part of the human condition, in the human condition there is an irrational part of the brain, which is the oldest. The brain evolves and the most recent part is the rational part, which is a very finite part, compared to the old part that identifies with the animals. Which predominates unfortunately"he said.


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