An investigation confirms a potential technical link and …


One day after the second round of presidential elections in Peru, a new poll claimed that candidates Pedro Castillo Yes Keiko Fujimori they are separated by less than a percentage point, which would lead to a possible technical tie.

According to the survey on voting intentions of the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP), Fujimori, belonging to the right-wing Fuerza Popular party, has a 40.9% support, while Castillo, of the left-wing Peru Libre, reached a 40.8%.

Although these data show a balance very slightly tilted towards Fujimori, the situation is a technical draw when one takes into account the margin of error of the study.

Former President Alberto Fujimori’s daughter has managed to get two percentage points since the IEP’s last measurement in May, while Castillo suffered a 0.6% loss of voting intention last month.

However, IEP Opinion Research Director Patricia Zárate acknowledged that there are two groups of voters that cannot be adequately measured in these studies, which are those who live in rural areas and those who reside abroad.

Most of Fujimori’s voters are in Lima with 53.5% and in the north with 42.7%, while most of the votes in favor of Castillo live in the south with 57.6% and in the center of the country. with 50.5%.

Likewise, voters in the highest economic sector are in favor of Fujimori (53.3%) and the middle with 44.2%. Meanwhile, Castillo has an intention to vote 45.9% of the lowest sectors of the economy.

Regarding gender and age, the study indicates that women will vote for Fujimori (44.4%), men for Castillo (46.7%), the youngest between 18 and 24 years for Fujimori (42.9 %) and those between 25 and 39 years old. by Castillo (44.3%).

At the same time, 11.5% of the votes are blank or tainted with irregularities, and 6.8% undecided. The largest group of white or flawed voters are in the country’s eastern Amazon, followed by the north with 12.7%

This IEP survey was carried out at the request of the newspaper La República and cannot be published in the country due to legal restrictions. It was based on a nationwide sample of 2,057 people, between June 2 and 4, with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 2.2%.

Other studies carried out this past week confirmed the tendency for a technical link between the two candidates. According to the Ipsos company, Castillo holds 44.5% of the votes cast against 43.6% for Keiko Fujimori, while 11.6% are blank and imperfect votes.

On the other hand, according to the CPI poll, 45% of the votes cast go to Fujimori and 44.8% to Castillo. According to this poll, 10.2% will be blank or null votes.


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