An investigation revealed that 82% of Mar del Plata support the 0 Tolerance alcohol plan while driving


A telephone survey conducted by the Cecaitra, the Chamber which groups together the companies producing road software, showed that 82% of the respondents were in favor of the project promoted by the mayor Carlos Arroyo ] and provides Zero Tolerance of Drunk Driving

The survey took into account the opinion of 853 marplatenses who responded to consultations by telephone. 62% say they agree with the idea of ​​the communal leader, while only 20% "agree".

Read more: "The Municipal Road Safety Observatory has supported the project Zero Tolerance with alcohol"

"Drivers were, by a large majority, in agreement with a measure possible that prohibits drunk driving.It is to say that it is recognized the danger that causes the mixing of alcoholic drinks with the steering wheel "they maintained the Cecaitra.

With regard to the causes in general that cause road incidents, alcohol was considered Third, in order of importance. In the first place was the transgression to the norms and secondly, the lack of attention of the drivers.

It was 36% of the total one who argued that disobeying traffic regulations is the main reason why causes are provoked flasks; while 21% decided to ignore people when they drove; and 16% chose alcohol consumption, leaving this situation at number three.

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