An iPhone 6 exploded in the room of an 11-year-old girl


Smartphones, batteries and explosions … this junk combo becomes a news after the accident of a girl in California, United States, with her Iphone 6.

According to Kayla Ramos, an 11-year-old girl living in Bakersfield, the capital of Kern County, located in western Sierra Nevada, He was in his room using his phone when he exploded. A report from local television 23ABC shows the consequences: a hole in the padding of the bed that fortunately did not cause major damage.

Kayla said that the device started to release sparks until it explodes. As you can see in the next image, there was very little left of this iPhone unit.

The explosion of the battery did not cause serious damage, but the smartphone suffered the consequences (Image: 23ABC / YouTube).
The explosion of the battery did not cause serious damage, but the smartphone suffered the consequences (Image: 23ABC / YouTube).

The girl's mother said that her daughter used the cell phone to watch videos on YouTube and sometimes to play.

The fact is isolated and does not have the size (or nearness) of other incidents involving phone batteries. The best known is the stumble Samsung Galaxy Note 7 mbadiveThere were so many cases that the South Korean manufacturer had to remove the product from the market, one of the biggest failures, if not the biggest, in its history.

The iPhone 6 was launched in 2014 and, during those years, no accident has been reported to presume that it was a misdemeanor. factory. However, when Apple received the report of this fact in California, he replaced the girl's team and opened the case investigation.


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