An Iranian tanker attacked with missiles near Saudi Arabia and the price of crude oil are surging


In the midst of tensions between Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United States, two missiles hit Friday an Iranian tanker that crossed the Red Sea off the Saudi coast. The attack caused an increase in 2% of the international price of crude oil and generated an international alarm.

Private Maritime Safety Company Dryad Maritime issued a statement in which it described the event as follows: "an act of aggression". "It is very likely that this fits into a wider action of deteriorating relations between Saudi Arabia, the United States and Iran," he said.

The company warned that it "is likely that the region, after remaining stable last month, is facing another period of increasing maritime threats, by prolonging the Iranian and Saudi geopolitical conflict, "he added.

Iran's state television said that the explosion damaged two deposits aboard the ship and caused an oil spill in the Red Sea near the Saudi port of Jeddah.

The spill was then controlled, the Iranian news agency reported. IRNA. The news agency, citing the Iranian National Oil Company, identified the ship as Sabiti. The boat transported one million barrels of crudeaccording to an analysis of the Signature Refine.

Images disseminated by the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum showed no visible damages at the command post, although the sides of the ship are not visible. No satellite image of the area also showed smoke, said the chain CNN.

The last time Sabiti turned on his tracking device It was in August near the Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas. Iranian oilmen extinguish their trackers for US sanctions against Iranian oil trafficking.

The images published by the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum have revealed no visible damage to the command post, although the flanks of the ship are not visible. (Photo: AFP)
The images published by the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum have revealed no visible damage to the command post, although the flanks of the ship are not visible. (Photo: AFP)

"The tanker suffered damage to his helmet when he went hit by missiles 96 km from the Saudi port city of Jeddah, "he said IRNA.

The agency did not specify who the Iranian authorities suspected were the perpetrators of the attack. Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi described the event as an "attack" by people involved in "dangerous adventures".

In a statement, Mousavi said that Sabiti had been attacked twice in the space of half an hour and that an investigation was ongoing.

Lieutenant Pete Pagano, spokesperson of the Fifth American fleet, operating in the Middle East, said the authorities were "aware of the incident information", but made no further comment.

Brent raw type, reference in Europe and Argentina, increased by more than 2% and reaches about 60.40 per barrel.

The attack comes after The United States will accuse Iran several attacks on tankers denounced in recent months in the Strait of Hormuz, in the mouth of the Persian Gulf, which denies Tehran.

The incident today could raise new tensions between Iran and the United StatesMore than a year after President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew his country from the nuclear deal with Iran and imposed harsh economic sanctions on Tehran.

Attacks on tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, the demolition of a US surveillance drone by Iran, among other incidents, occurred after Trump's decision .


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