An Italian newspaper leaked fragments of the Pope's letter to Maduro: "What was agreed at the meetings did not follow any concrete gestures"


In the letter that he had sent to Francisco, the Bolivarian president declared that he "was at the service of Christ" Source: AP

ROME.- The
The newspaper Corriere della Sera today published excerpts from a letter that the pope would have sent to "Mr. Nicolás Maduro" reminding him of all the "unfulfilled agreements" of the past, in response to a request from mediation that the Venezuelan leader exercised more and more on him the international community, made it arrive a few days ago.

The most notable aspect of the so-called papal response – on which the acting spokesman, Alessandro Gisotti, preferred not to comment – is that she addresses the "very excellent lord".

Nicolás Maduro

"This is not addressed to the" president "and this reflects a cautious position of the Vatican, in the image of the Venezuelan bishops, who have never acknowledged Maduro's second term, not recognized by any much of the international community.

The letter is addressed to "His Excellency Mr. Nicolás Maduro Moros" and not to the "President" of Venezuela.

Although the Corriere has stated that the letter, dated February 7 and written in Spanish, is only two and a half pages long, it reproduces only a few. Francisco in the letter would have recalled the repeated attempts in recent years "to try to find a way out of the Venezuelan crisis". "Unfortunately, all were interrupted because what was agreed at the meetings was not followed by concrete gestures to conclude the agreements," wrote the Pontiff, referring to his attempt to facilitate the dialogue between the regime and l & # 39; opposition. of 2016.

Francisco emphasized that he was always in favor of mediation: "but no dialogue, but one that is established when the various parties to the conflict place the common good above all other interests and work for the benefit of the community. unity and peace ".

Francisco emphasized that he was always in favor of mediation: "but no dialogue, but one that is established when the various parties to the conflict place the common good above all other interests and work for the benefit of the community. unity and peace ".

The former Archbishop of Buenos Aires also mentioned on 1 December 2016 a letter from his number two, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, in which the Holy See listed a series of requests for dialogue.

According to the Corriere della Sera in the letter, in which he is asked to avoid "any form of bloodbath", reign deception for the attitude of the Maduro regime. In the end, the pope confesses that he "is deeply troubled by the situation" and by the fact that "the sufferings of the Venezuelan people do not seem to have an end".


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