An old man from India claims to be 123 years old


It is difficult to determine when he is really 123 years old because the only certificate of his age comes from a temple register. In terms of its relatively young appearance, it has been attributed to yoga, discipline and celibacy.

In telling a little of his huge story, the Hindu said that he had lost his parents before the age of 6 and that he had been abandoned for adoption to a spiritual guru with which he had traveled through India before settling in the city of Varanasi. The man made the headlines of various media in 2016 after the date of birth of his passport was disclosed and explained: "I have maintained a simple and disciplined life. Like very simple things. Only boiled foods, without oil or spices, rice and lentil stew with a couple of green peppers. I do not practice sex and I practice yoga daily. "

At a height of 1.58 meters, Sivananda sleeps on a carpet on the floor and uses a wooden slab as a pillow. "I avoid drinking milk or fruits because I think they are extravagant foods." In my childhood, I slept for several days on an empty stomach, "he added. He also explained that he had been trying for three years to be recognized by the Guinness Book of Records, which attempts to verify his date of birth, although the lack of evidence to confirm it has delayed the distinction.

Continuing his story, he explained that his childhood in colonial India had passed without electricity, car or phone. Given this, he stated that he was not enthusiastic about new technologies and that he preferred to be alone. "The people before were satisfied with fewer things. Nowadays, people are unhappy, crazy and have become dishonest, which hurts me a lot, "he said. "I just want people to be happy, healthy and at peace," he said.

Until now, the oldest documented person in history was the French Jeanne Louise Calment, who reached 122 years and 164 days. Meanwhile, the oldest alive today, as the Guinness book says, is Kane Tanaka of Japan, aged 116 and 281 days.


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