An old man took his puppy to the hospital and the doctors saved his life


The story happened in Huejotzingor, in the state of Puebla, Mexico. There, a witness photographed the moment and then told on Facebook the act of love and solidarity that transcended any difference between species (against which vegan activists are fighting every day).

"The doctor was about to refuse and tell him that the vets were there, but see the sad eyes of the old man could not say no and decided to help him. The gentleman, in all humility, asked him how much would cost the consultation and begged him to help his pup, "they said in the publication.

The old man, moved by the doctors' gesture, said the dog had diarrhea, was tired and did not want to eat. "He barely drinks from the water, complains softly and is very sad," he told them, and generated the immediate reaction of the doctor, who called his colleagues.

To resuscitate him, he received antibiotics, hydrated and unbilled for consultation. "Seeing the old man's tears of emotion because he was helping his puppy, the doctors told him that if the animal did not improve, he would bring it back with them. Man left the hospital with his puppy in his arms, smiling and happy to have been heard and especially seeing that your pet was better", they said on the site Friends of Lucho.


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