An order to Florencia Kirchner | The prosecutor wants the …


Federal prosecutor Diego Velazco asked Florencia Kirchner's defense to submit all medical histories within 30 days before determining whether she was allowed to extend her stay in Cuba for 45 days, where she is performing medical treatment. And he also demanded that he set a date for his return to the country.

The prosecutor addressed his request to the Federal Oral Court (TOF) 5, which is responsible for the case known as Los Sauces, in which the former President Cristina Kirchner, her daughter Florencia and her brother Máximo are accused of Illicit badociation money laundering. For the prosecution, the medical certificate presented by lawyer Carlos Beraldi, which indicated that Florence was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and was not allowed to travel, was only a summary and therefore required complete information. Velazco asked the defense to gather within 30 days all the studies making the clinical history of the accused and presented to the court.

It will be the TOF 5 that will decide now if it responds to the request of the prosecutor, while he had already read the information received by the forensic body.

Last week, the former president made public the medical aspect of her daughter Florencia, who is being treated in Cuba because of a painting which, she interpreted, was provoked by the persecution of which she is a victim. In the official document of the clinic where the youngest of the Kirchner is treated, the main diagnosis is the suffering of a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which occurs after a trauma and generates feelings of fear affecting the patient's life. In addition to the main diagnosis, the clinical history also highlights five other conditions that complete the girl's picture, such as purpuric syndrome (small subcutaneous skin changes in the form of red spots on the skin), minus three consecutive periods), lymphoedema (obstruction of the lymphatic system causes fluid accumulation and inflammation in the body) and demyelinating polyneuropathy.


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