An ultra-right-handed candidate in Brazil for the presidential elections of October – 07/22/2018


No colored balloon or serpentine has been shown. But there were pictures of a little boy, 3 years old, who claimed to point a gun with the help of his index finger and his thumb. The scene is already a clbadic of the campaign of the deputy and former captain Jair Bolsonaro, who was formalized yesterday as a presidential candidate by the liberal social party.

Up to now, this Brazilian far right leader has managed to accumulate 17% of the preferences of the electorate, at a significant distance from those who come back. And it is only surpbaded by ex-president Lula da Silva, with 30% voting intentions, imprisoned in Curitiba.

In front of enthusiastic supporters, several soldiers, young and women who wore t-shirts in the image of the presidential election. to be the "messiah", although his mother also baptized him with that name. "I am not the savior of the motherland, we are all those who will save her," he proclaimed. But he regarded himself as "the chosen one": "God does not call the formed, He empowers the elect."

The candidate seeks to galvanize the minds of Brazilians, beyond their own followers. Account, in principle, with significant support in the 20% richest and most educated of Brazil (they are about 12.5 million citizens, or one tenth of the total electorate). Now he must conquer the soul of the economically less advantaged clbades, who are suffering from an economic recession that has submerged the country in the past three years.

On the stand mounted at the South American Convention Center in Rio de Janeiro, the new competitor placed his General Augusto Heleno, the officer who commanded the peace forces in Haiti

He was also accompanied by the 39, economist Paulo Guedes, a PhD from the University of Chicago who advises him. He finished the courtroom with the lawyer Janaina Paschoal, who organized from a legal point of view the dismissal against the ex-president Dilma Rousseff. Bolsonaro offered him the vice presidency, as they said in his environment. But the lawyer will take a little time to decide.

More moderate than on other occasions, the Plbadto Palace nominee said that he had "no ambition to be able to". And in this sense, he defined his claims as "a mission".

Of course, it was not easy to find someone to take care of him: he chose the PSL the first week of April, shortly before the deadline affiliation The week last, he had a setback: an agreement with "central" matches that had given him the time of television escaped him.

They finally chose to close ranks around the PSDB's presidential candidate, Social Democrat Geraldo Alckmin. However, in the circle "Bolsonarista" they said that "there is no harm that is not good". The suitor himself has undertaken to prove it. That was when he said: "On one side is the left, on the other, it's the" center. "I'm going to have to thank Alckmin for taking the cream of the worst in Brazil. "

It is true that among the leaders of the centrist groups, who ended up turning to the Social Democrats, there are several accused of corruption and corruption. inclusive, who has already been in prison. "Brazil can not support more than four years neither the PT nor the PSDB," said the presidential candidate, to be applauded when he concluded: "Together we will save our Brazil."

Despite its reputation as rude and radical, the economic program that defends the old army is consistent with the profile of the "Chicago boys", delineated by the financier and former banker Guedes.

Thus, yesterday's meeting with its audience defended the state privatizations: "We want to seek the liberation of our economy, to seek liberalism.And we will not only privatize but also extinguish most of the states

We will only keep the strategic ones.And for the military public that accompanies it, there are taboos in the sale of public companies? to deliver these companies considered as key to national defense.

On this train, decided to flatter those who support it the most: "My friends and brothers police and military. I will get the legal back up so that they can fulfill their mission well. Brothers of the Navy, Army and Aeronautics: they will be recognized in my government because they are still under attack. They are attacked by the absurdities of this left because you are the last obstacle to socialism. "

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