An unstable Friday is expected in the city of Santa Fe


Friday is presented in the city of Santa Fe with overcast sky and the possibility of rain.

According to the data provided by the National Weather Service for the morning is expected: "Probability of fog and fog banks .. Cloudy skies..Room of rain and drizzle.Soft winds of the sector is". As for the afternoon, he waits: "Cloudy sky, chance of rain and drizzle, some thunderstorms towards night, mild winds from the eastern sector."

On the temperature, the SMN provides a minimum of 8 ° and a maximum of 12 °. For its part, the FICH – UNL Meteorological Information Center indicates a minimum of 8 ° and a maximum of 11 °.

Extended Forecast

For this Saturday, unstable weather is estimated to likely precipitate; 7 ° minimum and 15 ° maximum

Meanwhile, Sunday is expected the continuity of instability and the probability of rain in the region; 7th of the minimum and 14th of the maximum.

Finally, on Monday, an Independence Day would be presented with varying cloudiness; 4th minimum and 17th maximum

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