Ana María Polo faces a lawsuit of millions of dollars from her ex-girlfriend


These are very difficult moments for the doctor Ana María Polo . His program, Caso Cerrado, is not on Telemundo's television network for the first time since 2001. But this is not what worries him the most, but the demand made by his former partner, Marlene Key, for two million dollars .

The legal conflict began two years ago but was revealed, with the testimony of the journalist Erich Concepción and a former producer of his program, José Antonio Orta who talked about the El Arañazo Online show of the Somos Miami TV channel and refers to the personal relationship that unites Ana María Polo to Marlene, who worked with her as a producer of her cycle

" ] Marlene is asking for two million dollars for the illegal use of the name of the program that belongs to her and for the extraction, by Polo, of more than half a million of a shared account " counted Concepción.

According to s or story, they " formed a personal relationship that lasted more than 25 years resided in the same house and had reciprocal wishes relative to the medical decisions of the other" . In addition, since October 2014 they shared their finances in the same bank account.

Ana María Polo's decision to give her the name of the show she was driving and to share a bank account has a reason: In 2003, she was hit with a Breast cancer and, fearing not to survive, decided to guarantee the financial well-being of his partner without having to marry (an equal marriage was approved in the United States in 2015). A few months later, Ana Maria Polo underwent a mastectomy and fully recovered, but did not ask her partner to repay the loan because they had a great job and a personal relationship . However, the situation changed dramatically some time later. " I think everything was the fault of Ana María She did not treat Marlene well when they were working, and despite the fact that she endured it during 25 years old, one day she's tired, "said Orta. polo marlene key "clbad =" photo "itemprop =" image "id =" imgv70442v1 "mediaquery =" [{“mediaquery”:”screen and (max-width: 479px)”,”width”:459,”height”:””,”path”:”!.jpg?s=57f44229cf1cf8793e5427917398cbd1&d=1530870442″,”dimensions”:”459,”},{“mediaquery”:”screen and (max-width: 479px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2)”,”width”:918,”height”:””,”path”:”!.jpg?s=85b01a040049137616019c279ef03653&d=1530870442″,”dimensions”:”918,”},{“mediaquery”:”screen and (width: 480px)”,”width”:460,”height”:””,”path”:”!.jpg?s=604747c82d69a2b7a36e970d5fdcdb0a&d=1530870442″,”dimensions”:”460,”},{“mediaquery”:”screen and (width: 480px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2)”,”width”:920,”height”:””,”path”:”!.jpg?s=de3323a99ace5348225235a50f6123b6&d=1530870442″,”dimensions”:”920,”},{“mediaquery”:”screen and (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 767px)”,”width”:747,”height”:””,”path”:”!.jpg?s=a9ff1a555f9e9b1e4b7533188ebd1435&d=1530870442″,”dimensions”:”747,”},{“mediaquery”:”screen and (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 767px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2)”,”width”:1494,”height”:””,”path”:”!.jpg?s=2ba744ced085ae3738114bde36ffebed&d=1530870442″,”dimensions”:”1494,”},{“mediaquery”:”screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px)”,”width”:378,”height”:””,”path”:”!.jpg?s=72c273dfa27dafecab1cd332a803a595&d=1530870442″,”dimensions”:”378,”},{“mediaquery”:”screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2)”,”width”:756,”height”:””,”path”:”!.jpg?s=4ce22089eeb1b94ffcea57b9769c7b29&d=1530870442″,”dimensions”:”756,”},{“mediaquery”:”screen and (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1279px)”,”width”:524,”height”:””,”path”:”!.jpg?s=1d6a8101ce666922f6905554f3c5c7c8&d=1530870442″,”dimensions”:”524,”},{“mediaquery”:”screen and (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1279px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2)”,”width”:1148,”height”:””,”path”:”!.jpg?s=a83259127c65a016a10807c3d6a0d249&d=1530870442″,”dimensions”:”1148,”},{“mediaquery”:”screen and (min-width: 1280px)”,”width”:644,”height”:””,”path”:”!.jpg?s=b0369dcc914b1ff7bd67740e5223ecd2&d=1530870442″,”dimensions”:”644,”},{“mediaquery”:”screen and (min-width: 1280px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2)”,”width”:1288,”height”:””,”path”:”!.jpg?s=362af6ffdbac1c64648c0cf5349444ec&d=1530870442″,”dimensions”:”1288,”}] "vsmsrc =" !. jpg? s = 7a8924305f489448be194eba960db9c1 & d = 1530870442 "vsmidos =" 1 "/>

Ana Maria Polo and Marlene Key . " They were fighting a lot because she was not letting her do it whatever it was He had her locked up in an office and Marlene from there had to produce the program and give all the orders. he could work like that and resign. "

Still according to the story of his former producer, after the couple's fight, program workers had to choose one, and the decision was almost unanimous:" All those who were friends of both had to choose a side and many supported the producer because they understood that Polo had not behaved well with her ".

Given rumors that the cancellation of the program was due to This fighting couple, the channel Telemundo issued a statement: "Case Closed Special Edition gives its space to live the World Cup and More during the coverage of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia and later to the new Exatlon program. Following the program led by Dr. Ana Maria Polo can continue to enjoy the Best of Closed Case at other times in the Hispanic chain grid and await the return of the new and renewed season of its stellar edition to the month. of September "

Ana María Polo was born on April 11, 1959 in Havana, Cuba, but raised in Puerto Rico, then moved with her family to Miami and developed her talent for singing. He even took part in a competition with his sister Alina who allowed them to go to Rome to sing at Pope Paul VI at the Vatican.

At 19 he met a man a decade older than her and fell in love, even though her family did not accept the relationship. They got married and became pregnant, but she was lost the baby and the marriage was dissolved .

She graduated from the faculty of Law of the University of Miami and practiced law for over 20 years. cases of divorce, adoption, paternity, custody, child support and domestic violence cases. Gradually, she began to participate in television programs as an expert lawyer.

With several years of career to his credit, decided to adopt a child . We do not know much about her identity, since she prefers not to expose her in public: she is only known to be 32 years old and to be married. She raised her alone, without help, and they are very close.

The Caso Cerrado program, originally called Couples Room, was first created on April 2, 2001. It was created to solve marital problems. then problems of various kinds were added. For this reason, he adopted the name of his clbadic sentence, pronounced after hitting the hammer with the sentence of the case. With the pbadage of time, has become one of the most successful programs of American television .

Source: Teleshow

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