Analysts believe independent voters will define the outcome – Telam


The presentation of the alliances that will compete in the primaries of next August and the definition of the presidential forms announce a polarized electoral process directed towards the independent elector, agreed today badysts consulted by Telam.

"The goal of Mauricio Macri in electing Miguel Pichetto is to give an argument so that anti-K voters of the PJ can vote for Cambiemos, now Together for Change," says Rosendo Fraga (New Majority).

For the consultant, "Macri, to win, is facing a more difficult scenario than the first term and could even have fewer seats in Congress than now." In this type of situation, negotiation with the Peronist sectors will be crucial for the conclusion of governance agreements. and in this Pichetto is an expert. "

Jorge Giacobbe (Giacobbe & Asociados) badured that "they accumulate all for the same public". With Pichetto, Macri points to Peronism not K. And with Alberto Fernández, Cristina Kirchner also, it's as if everyone wanted to change part of his PH, his formulas, to say: they saw that we are not so pure ".

"In both cases, it is a matter of betting on the charismatic leaders of the owner-operators," stressed the consultant Shila Vilker (Trespuntozero), because "it's about elections (those of Alberto Fernández and Miguel Pichetto) who seek to give more predictability and who share many things, such as good relations with governors, mayors and justice, which the market does not oppose. "


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