Analyze if families living near Notre-Dame have lead in their blood


The environmental pollution would be the product of the fire of April 15 which caused the collapse of the 93-meter needle that had been rebuilt in the nineteenth century with 500 tons of hardwoods and 250 tons of lead.

A few weeks after the episode, the Regional Health Authority (ARS) of Ile-de-France detected the case a few blocks from Notre Dame. So he has already started an "environmental investigation" to determine where the child went.

In addition, the French health authorities have urged all pregnant women and families with children an badysis to rule out the pronounced presence of lead in the blood.

From the Central Laboratory of the Prefecture of Police (LCPP), they demonstrated that from 17 April, the air quality was safe, but they would have been located. "heterogeneous values, for some" high "in" neighboring soils and in some administrative premises, "said the LRA.

This is why, according to the ARS, it is forbidden to access the public in soils whose decontamination will begin in the coming days. From this agency, families will be individually informed about the results of their home testing this week and tips will be provided to prevent dust particles from being reintroduced into their homes.


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