And if a self-proclaimed president a yellow vest?


French MEP Jean-Luc Mélenchon once again insisted on his support for the Venezuelan government of Nicolás Maduro, this time comparing the Venezuelan crisis to the one that crosses his own country, mired in the protests of "yellow vests". According to the French politician, "it is not good to recognize an adventurer, if you do, tomorrow Mr. Drouet will be President of the Republic," he said about the One of the main personalities of the French protest movement.

Thus, the MP has again expressed his support for President Maduro in front of the cameras of the TV channel LCP, after having met at the Elysee with French President Emmanuel Macron.

Mélenchon, leader of the left-wing France Insumisa party, France, is opposed to the recent recognition by Emmanuel Macron, head of the French state, of the self-proclaimed president of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó.

"This is not the France that supports the putschists in Venezuela, it is only Macron," released Tuesday Mélenchon in a tweet. "Resist, we say to the United Nations: Nicolás Maduro is the president of Venezuela, peace and freedom for Venezuela!" Concluded his brief plea.

It is not France that supports the putschists in # Venezuela. It's only #Macron. Resist! With the UN we say: @NicolasMaduro is the president of Venezuela. Peace and freedom for Venezuela!

– Jean-Luc Mélenchon (@JLMelenchon) February 4, 2019

Several European countries, including Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, Portugal and France itself, have submitted to Maduro an ultimatum consisting of a period of eight days for the convening of a meeting. Elections in this country of Latin America. The ultimatum was completed last Sunday and Monday, Macron, like his counterparts, proceeded to the recognition of the Leader of the Opposition.




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