Andrea Rincón claimed that Mauricio Macri is the worst president of democracy


February 21, 2019
– 9:02 pm

The actress apologized for the situation in the country and described the poverty she sees on the streets; "The press talks about it," he badured

Through different reports, Andrea Rincon He has never hidden his adherence to the previous leadership of Cambiemos. "My idol is Cristina Kirchner, I love her", came to badure in an interview. For this reason, when they seek an opinion "from the other side of the crack", the media seek their word.

This time, during a conversation with Involved, the actress He has not hesitated to say that Mauricio Macri is the worst president since the return of democracy. "The truth, a disaster, a lot of sadness, I've never seen anything like it, never in 33 years," he said.

He added: "I did not want a lot of Menem, but I was a girl.I never realized the impunity that exists, how they are managed, what they do They treat each other with such impunity and cover things up with the press.

On the other hand, Rincón was very hurt by the misery she sees in the streets: "I'm going to the gym and these are mattresses and mattresses of entire families sleeping in the street."

Andrea Rincón in Involucrados

In this sense, curiously, the actress was pessimistic about the future, even if she returns Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: "The system is already corrupt, I think that politics will not save us anymore, because people will save people, we must change our minds and help each other". "It hurts me a lot," he says.


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