Andrea Rincon destroyed Macri and compared the current situation with the Malvinas


The actress sharply criticized the government of Cambiemos and expressed the wish that Cristina Kirchner be presented as an electoral candidate.

February 22, 2019

In this election year and in full social and economic crisis, the actress Andrea Rincon criticized the government of Mauricio Macriand he claimed that he was "the worst" president of Argentine democracy. In addition, he expressed the wish that the senator Cristina Kirchnerto be present at the elections as a candidate for the presidency.

Consulted by the program Involved of America TV On the way he sees the country, he baderted that "the truth is a disaster". "A lot of sadness, I've never seen anything like it, never, I'm 33 years old and I've never seen anything like it."

"We are like in the Malvinas era, people think we win the Falklands, the press is a shame"

In addition, when asked when he thought that Macri was the worst president of democracy, he responded with an expression of discontent: "Yes, I did not want Menem too much, but I did not want to do it." was a girl, I've never seen, I've never noticed there is impunity, how they are treated, what they do, they are treated with impunity, how they cover the press. "

Participation – Full program (21_2_19) .mp4

"I feel that they are fooling people and can not see what they are doing, because they cover it in such a way that when I say things, people will pull me out." And of course, poor man, what will he know? the press speaks about it, "he said.

In this line, he made an badogy in reference to the darkest times of the country. "We are like at the time of the Malvinas, people think that we win the Malvinas, the press is a shame," said the actress, referring to the war that took place in the middle of the last dictatorship civico-military-ecclesiastical, when The hegemonic media were controlled by the de facto government.

On the other hand, as to whether he wished the former president Kirchner to stand in this year's elections, he said: "Yes, of course, but I think the system is already corrupt. I think politics will not save us anymore, People will be saved by people, people have to change their minds and we have to start helping each other.

"Even if there is a politician who wants to do something, the rest will not go away," he said, adding that he felt "a lot" of anxiety. "I go from home to the gym and there are mattresses and whole families sleeping in the street," he lamented.


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