Andrés Arauz and Guillermo Lasso directed their final public events ahead of Sunday’s poll in Ecuador


Andrés Arauz and Guillermo Lasso have closed their campaigns for the poll
Andrés Arauz and Guillermo Lasso have closed their campaigns for the poll

Andres Arauz, the progressive presidential candidate of Ecuador, ended his electoral campaign in the face of Sunday’s ballot Thursday, with a political rally in Quito during which his mentor, the former president, appeared Rafael Correa, in a video sent from Belgium, where he has lived since 2017.

Arauz, who challenges the power of the curator Guillermo Lasso, recorrió también varias calles del centro-sur de la capital acompañado de decenas de simpatizantes, hasta llegar a una tarima en el sector de Cumandá, donde presidió su último mitin, que terminó apenas una hora antes de la entrada en vigor del toque de queda in the city.

The candidate, who said he was sure of his victory, He called on his supporters to “take care of the votes” and “take to the streets” that night to “celebrate the popular triumph”.

The young candidate, 36, said one of his tasks if he comes to government will be to build a “new historic block“To bring together the social and productive forces of the country, with the aim of resolving the economic and health crisis which, according to what he said, is leaving the outgoing government of Lenín Moreno.

The end of the Andrés Arauz campaign (REUTERS / Luisa González)
The end of the Andrés Arauz campaign (REUTERS / Luisa González)

In addition, mentioned the hard days of protest in October 2019, when the population, led by the indigenous movement, forced Moreno to repeal the cancellation of the gasoline subsidy, a measure linked to an agreement with the IMF.

More, pledged to launch a COVID-19 vaccination plan that covers the entire population, referring to criticisms of the program applied by the current government, which included lists of privileged people and failures in its administration to the elderly in Quito.

Although the followers of the correísmo used masks, sometimes they neglected the recommended physical distance to avoid the contagion.

Lasso concluded his campaign with a call for national unity

Guillermo Lasso concluded his electoral campaign with a call for national unity to overcome the crisis in the Andean country. “Ecuador needs us together to face the future with determination and will“Said the center-right politician, who remained Guayaquil all day and closed ranks with his supporters in what is both his hometown and his main stronghold.

At the foot of the Guayas River, so that his message “flow from here to all of Ecuador”, Lasso expressed his desire to “give his experience to build a prosperous future with all Ecuadorians”, and called the unity of the country, to overcome “the greatest health, economic, values ​​and security crisis”.

Candidate Guillermo Lasso (c), accompanied by his family, closed his electoral campaign on the Malecón 2000 with a call for national unity to overcome the crisis in the Andean country, in Guayaquil (Ecuador).  EFE / Mauricio Torres
Candidate Guillermo Lasso (c), accompanied by his family, closed his electoral campaign on the Malecón 2000 with a call for national unity to overcome the crisis in the Andean country, in Guayaquil (Ecuador). EFE / Mauricio Torres

Representative of the center-right alliance created between the Creando Oportunidades party (CREO) and the Social-Christian Party (PSC), of veteran politician from Guayaquil Jaime Nebot, for Lasso, it will be his third – and last, he said – candidacy for the presidency.

Before losing in 2013 against Rafael Correa and in 2017 against Lenín Moreno, in a poll in which he claimed electoral fraud due to a computer failure after which electoral trends changed.

We come from 14 years of two governments dedicated to confronting Ecuadorians, and there is nothing worse than hatred and revenge. Therefore, we must be united; and, with the support of all, we will emerge from this crisis, ”he told his supporters.

“Next Sunday – he added – it is possible to start a new stage of progress, in your hands is the strongest instrument: the vote. It is the powerful tool that you will have in your hands on April 11 ”.


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