Andrés Ibarra, the deputy chief of staff who dressed Marcos Peña


Holidays by the south of the chef de cabinet, Marcos Peña, they forced Andrés Ibarra, the deputy chief of staff who landed in September when the number of ministries was reduced, upload your profile for the first time as a spokesperson for management and as an articulator of officials. In fact, he was seen today at a press conference with Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie.

But he had already been the novelty of last week – where he was able to see Ibarra at the head of a press conference after the meeting of the council of ministers talking about the economy – and that is an overshoot of what will happen in the l & # 39; 39; election year. Is it Casa Rosada to badume that Peña will be very focused on the Macri 2019 campaign and must delegate some of its management work to Ibarra. "The president likes the tandem that they have badembled," they said in Balcarce 50.

Despite what you saw this week – and you will probably see it for the rest of the year – the deputy chief of staff does not like the high profile. On the contrary, like to be anonymous.

Andrés Ibarra, the new second of Peña: unpublished biography of a Socma man

Today, he is fully involved in cabinet meetings (where he is always sitting on the sidelines) and he deals with the follow-up meetings of each minister on specific topics. When he started, five months ago, as badistant chief of staff, he attended only at general meetings with ministers. Now, he added meetings with specific themes with the president.

Tuesday, after the meeting of ministers with Macri in the morning, on the first floor of Casa Rosada, Ibarra took charge, with Alejandro Finocchiaro, portfolio manager of the training, to face the journalists. There he had to answer questions about power outages, tariffs, economic management, and so on. It was his debut and in the government's internal evaluation he left him unscathed.

"He answered everything and did not make any mistakesIn particular, avoid unconvinced errors for the executive is already a success.

Andrés Ibarra, the new second of Peña: unpublished biography of a Socma man

Crazy with numbers, the badistant chief of staff likes to know everything. That's why he always says that he's already a "generalist". His three years of leadership, very discreet, also relate to another political aspect of Ibarra: avoid the internal noise that can result. In particular, from Peña, who controls the communication strategy, to the ministers that he must now control.

In fact, he gave few notes in three years and his position at the head of the press conference was given at the express request of the chief of staff.

In terms of management, the deputy chief spends a lot of his time preparing reports to the president that they are presented on a bimonthly basis. In these detailed reports, it shows you the traffic light for each zone and initiative. Red, yellow and green are lit by department, but also by program and region. For example, Health Never Green and some of its programs have a red color that dazzles.

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With the imprint of being "a spare wheel", Ibarra tries to have a good deal with the ministers.Many people know him very well, even some are friends.In other cases, they avoid confrontation given the direct line that connects him to Macri himself. even.

In fact, in recent days, he was with Nicolás Dujovne (Treasury) to review the budget agenda and public spending issues; and also with Finocchiaro and the educational team at daily monitoring meetings.

This week, in addition, the public works register was officially in its orbitwhere a contractor can be eliminated so that it does not work with the national state. Among the most sensitive issues, disability pensions are closely monitored and, among cross-cutting issues, responsibility for public sector employment continues to be badumed.

While badyzing in March to meet Governor Maria Eugenia Vidal in present the connectivity plan In previously isolated places, Ibarra already has on its agenda the presentation of digital driving licenses with Macri and Guillermo Dietrich. But the president has another destination for the end of the year: although he has already badured him that he wants it in the direction, if Christian Gribaudo does not intervene in polls, Ibarra could stop at Boca Juniors as a presidential candidate. An option that has been stirring for years.


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