Andrés Malamud, before a possible reelection of Vidal: "It will eventually be destroyed, Buenos Aires is ungovernable" – 02/06/2019


The political scientist Andrés Malamud was adamant with the governor of Buenos Aires, Maria Eugenia Vidal: "I am pessimistic, for a reason that goes beyond Cambiemos and calls the province of Buenos Aires, which is the one all the governors of the province of Buenos Aires finish badly. The province of Buenos Aires is a meat chopper: if re-elected, will be destroyed because it is not possible to govern the province"

Malamud, a researcher at the University of Lisbon, spoke with Radio Miter about current Argentinean politics. His pessimism was, strictly speaking, with the very territory of Buenos Aires.

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And he supported it, among other things, with the history of governors. "There is no solution, we had eight-year-old governors who were the most popular in the country. Eduardo Duhalde and of Daniel Scioliand look where they are now. And with Maria Eugenia Vidal, the same thing is likely to happen, even if it is the best Argentine leader. The province of Buenos Aires is killing you and killing its inhabitants. "

He also highlighted the deterioration of the province. "Vidal's political future does not depend on change or good management. There is no good management possible. In this province, all we have is degradation year after year in education, degradation year after year of the security system. Even if they send police, there is no possibility of having a good police force because the material conditions, surveillance and control are not met. The only thing that has improved for a moment with Vidal is the l & # 39; infrastructure, public works, up to crisis last year, when everything stopped, "he explained.

Maria Eugenia Vidal, in act with Mauricio Macri on January 28th. (Enrique Gastiarena)

Maria Eugenia Vidal, in act with Mauricio Macri on January 28th. (Enrique Gastiarena)

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He also published data regarding a possible re-election of the current president, Mauricio Macri. And the obvious question: what would happen at a possible competition with the former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: "The past does not define the future, but it marks a pattern: Macri is more likely to stay than Cristina to come back, but neither is impossible.

The data presented by Malamud are convincing: "In Latin America, since 1978, the date of the beginning of democratization until today, 23 presidents wanted to be reelected and 20 elected. You have a reelection of 90%. And there were about 30 presidents who wanted to come back after leaving the country and half did it. The the rate of return is 50 percent"He said.

He also pointed out that in change, we have internal oppositions. And that this is seen in the debate on the unification or split elections in different districts. "At the same time that the elections of the city and the province of Buenos Aires were unified, those of Mendoza and Jujuy were separated, that is to say that Cambio sent a delayed message", he explains.

Alfredo Cornejo: Mendoza unveiled the elections. (Marcelo Rolland)

Alfredo Cornejo: Mendoza unveiled the elections. (Marcelo Rolland)

And he continued: "On the one hand, the PRO accompanies en mbade the candidacy of Mauricio and sacrifices itself for the candidacy of Mauricio, on the other, the radicalism begins to offer an alternative within Cambiemos, which is important because it shows that there is some opposition There is in the change of the people who continue to accompany, who do not want to return, who do not want to vote the Peronism or leave the change, but who does not are not very happy with the situation and who have the intention to express it in change.

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The situation in Venezuela

Malamud also spoke about the current situation in Venezuela. "We are here for the first time in a long time dead end, in a draw, but without too much bloodshed. I say without too much because in Venezuela all the time people are dying. It is the least safe country in the world in peacetime. Latin America is the highest and Venezuela has overtaken El Salvador and Honduras, "he said.

"The problem will be defined according to what the armed forces, who are the ones who own the weapons, do, but for now they have decided not to use them and that is why Guaidó is free," he said. added.

Nicolás Maduro and Juan Guaidó. (AFP)

Nicolás Maduro and Juan Guaidó. (AFP)

Y he emphasized the role of Guaidó: "The great merit of Guaidó is to have unified the opposition and gain popular support, because before the popular sectors support the Chavez Bolivarian Revolution, and now they reject Maduro and accept Guaidó, the Chavists are claimed, but they do not accept Maduro. " , badyzed.

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Finally, Malamud cautioned against the mediation of Pope Francis"If the pope agrees to play the role of mediator between the government and the opposition, he gives the right to Maduro.

"The pope is not that he loves Maduro, does not like Trump, and he must think as a good part of the Latin American left that Guaidó is a Trump puppet, "Malamud closed.

The situation in Venezuela, very critical. (EFE)

The situation in Venezuela, very critical. (EFE)

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