Andrés Manuel López Obrador offered him political asylum …


Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has offered to seek political asylum from WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, following a London court ruling that rejected his extradition to the United States. “He’s a journalist who deserves a chance”López Obrador added before deciding to be pardoned. From the National Palace, the President took the opportunity to congratulate the UK for not going ahead with the extradition and said that it is “a triumph of justice”. U.S. authorities charge Assange with 18 counts relating to the dissemination of confidential military documents and diplomatic cables under the Espionage Act of 1917.

“I will ask the secretary for external relations to take the appropriate steps to ensure that the UK government is asked for the possibility of Mr. Assange being released and Mexico offering him political asylum.”López Obrador said in his usual morning press conference.

The Mexican president clarified that his country offers asylum with protection, but also with “the responsibility to ensure that whoever receives asylum does not intervene or interfere in the political affairs of any country”. A few hours earlier, British justice had rejected Assange’s extradition to the United States, believing that if he did so, he could kill himself.

“I am happy first that in England protection has been granted to Mr. Assange, that extradition to the United States has not been authorized. It’s a triumph of justice, I’m happy that in England they act this way because Assange is a journalist and deserves a chance“Said López Obrador. In the past, the leftist leader has welcomed WikiLeaks leaks on Mexico while he was still an opposition candidate. For this reason, He reiterated on Monday that he was in favor of Assange’s “forgiveness, forgiveness and asylum”.

According to cables leaked by WikiLeaks, the United States government has been investigating López Obrador since 2006. One of the first reports is dated July 18, 2006, two days after López Obrador called for a massive protest in the Zócalo, after losing the elections to Felipe Calderón, to expose suspected electoral fraud and demand a vote recount .

The Mexican president had already clearly expressed his position on Assange a few days ago: “I wish he would be forgiven and released.” “I don’t know if he admitted to acting against the rules and a political system, but at the time these cables showed how the world system works in its authoritarian nature“he added last Friday.

Mexico previously offered political asylum to other international figures such as former Bolivian President Evo Morales, arrived in the country in November 2019 after the coup that ousted him from the government. Morales himself hailed the London court’s decision regarding the “Brother Julian Assange, persecuted and imprisoned for 10 years for exercising the right to freedom of expression and information.”

The Australian activist faces criminal charges in the United States that could lead to 175 years in prison. The American authorities accuse him of espionage for having disclosed confidential documents. The British prosecution has already warned that it would appeal, within fourteen days, the decision rendered by Baraitser. The British judge will decide this Wednesday to grant parole to the founder of WikiLeaks, who is being held at Belmarsh Maximum Security Prison.


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