Android in trouble: the patent ARK OS has begun


Huawei's president, Richard Yu, said his new OS would be compatible with Android and multi-device applications, so that it could be used on a cell phone, car, or tablet.

It will be ready in autumn 2019 (in the northern hemisphere, between September and December) or, at the latest, in the spring of 2020 (March to June), according to Richard Yu, and even if, at first, it had been announced that his name would be Hongmeng OS, patents already registered in Europe allow us to anticipate that his name would be "ARK OS".

This was an overview of the specialized Android Headlines website, which indicated that Huawei had registered the brands 24/05 "HUAWEI ARK OS", "HUAWEI ARK", "ARK" and "ARK OS" with UEIPO , the office of the property. intellectual of the European Union.

It is true that the name of a patent does not oblige it to be its commercial name, but an indication.

The trademark registration also does not require it to be used in the new operating system, but it is necessary to ask what would be the meaning of the registration.

Huawei is developing an operating system that is compatible with Android applications because Google has blocked updates to these applications as a result of sanctions imposed by President Donald Trump.

According to Android titles, or ARK OS is based on AOSP or has a kind of built-in Android emulator compatible with the .APK format.

But that does not mean that ARK OS (or what's ultimately called) can be compatible with Google's services.

In fact, one of the features of this operating system is that it will not have a Google Play Store. It is therefore possible for Huawei to bet on its own app store: App Gallery.

Beyond the operating system, Huawei must replace the collaboration with US component manufacturers, including the ARM architecture provider (A RISC-based design approach allows ARM processors to require fewer transistors than x86 CISC processors, which is a feature of most personal computers, resulting in lower costs, less heat, and less power. energy).

This is an important fact to take into account as this could significantly affect the development of Kirin processors based on ARM architecture.

Qualcomm, Intel and AMD they would also have been separated from Huawei, leaving it with no operating system and no processors.

But it is also true that the People's Republic of China has stood behind Huawei and will provide him with all possible technical badistance.

Back in the USA, The SD Association, based in California, has left no opportunity for Huawei to commercialize new SD-compatible devices, such as smartphones with a microSD card slot or laptops with an SD slot.

The Wi-Fi Alliance, based in Texas (USA), also closed the door to Huawei, which will no longer be able to participate in the development of the wireless standard, nor certify the new Wi-Fi products, but will use Wi-Fi chips without modifying them previously certified.

It is claimed that Bluetooth interest group, based in Washington DC, will follow Wi-Fi Alliance milestones leaving Huawei out of wireless Bluetooth development technology. The badociation is made up of more than 9,000 companies around the world.

Until now, Huawei had maintained a conciliatory attitude before this siege. From the Department of Communication, they have limited themselves to showcasing "Relatives" that they have joined the brand with their trading partners and accuse the US government of blaming everything.

But Huawei has changed tone to issue a warning to industry badociations.

The company says it's "disappointed with these decisions"And make sure he's not there "No legal basis" suspend collaboration with Huawei.

As well: "Decisions like this will lead to fragmented standards, including information and communication standards, and will only increase costs and risks for all companies in the supply chain. value."

As it is presented, The Cold War will have a huge chapter on telecommunications, because the United States considers that its supremacy is threatened and is willing to punish Huawei to discipline China, which Beijing will not accept and think can win the battle with various aids from Russia. Germany and France

Huawei's full statement:

"Recently, a number of industry and standards badociations have made the decision to suspend some aspects of their collaboration with Huawei, in response to political pressure." We are disappointed with these decisions, but they will not affect our day-to-day business and we will continue to provide our customers with high quality products and services.

Huawei is an active member of more than 400 standardization organizations, industrial alliances and open source communities, serving more than 400 key positions. We proactively contribute to these groups and over the years we have submitted about 60,000 proposals. Our work with the vast majority of standardization organizations is ongoing. In the future, we will continue to contribute and collaborate with industry and standards badociations to create a powerful industrial ecosystem for all.

Standards represent the wisdom we have collectively drawn from innovation in science and technology. Open and unified standards in a holistic manner promote synergies throughout the value chain. This helps us all to provide our customers with products and services that are not only more advanced, but also better. This has contributed from the beginning to the strong growth of the information society.

For the most part, all standardization organizations, open source communities and industry alliances remain true to the principles of transparency, openness, impartiality and non-discrimination. These principles lay the foundation for a healthy and sustainable development of the ICT sector.

Huawei did not violate the statutes of any of these organizations and yet, a small group of them decided to suspend our collaboration, without any legal basis. Their actions go against the principles that they intend to maintain and undermine their credibility as international organizations. Ultimately, decisions like this will lead to fragmented standards, including information and communication standards, and will only increase the costs and risks for all businesses in the industry. the value chain.

We believe that these actions do not represent the will of the industry. Despite such setbacks, we are convinced that the ICT sector will enjoy long-term sustainable development. "


"There is a lot at stake, this manufacturer (Huawei) relies heavily on US companies for the purchase of semiconductors and the semiconductor supply chain goes from the United States to China and vice versa In companies like Apple, 20% of their profits are made in China.If the link between these nations is closed, it can survive, but the shares will collapse, causing many losses "He explained Gabriel Perez del Peral, professor at the School of Government and Economics of the Pan American University.

Del Peral, however, believes that the veto imposed on Chinese technology can be lifted: "It's the technological cold war, you have to give a break considering the importance and complexity of value chains in this economic sector."

Donald Trump's decisions regarding Huawei use it as trading currency in trade negotiations with China.

However, according to Russia, China is preparing for a long-term war with the United States, which goes beyond Huawei.

Without a doubt, in Silicon Valley, Trump is already worried about having implicated them in his personal whim against China, and it is not true that victory is badured.

"If we pbaded an agreement, I imagine that Huawei would be included in one form or another, under a commercial agreement"Trump told US reporters at a conference.

According to badysts, China incorporates a lot of added value in its economic chains and in this chapter of the trade war.

"Seeing the announcement of Trump, I see practically the trading scheme, we know that in the G20, they will tackle commercial topics offering to promote, integrate or market. 39, accelerate the trade agreement with them.It is a pressure and I see that it is a political issue to advance business issues that are of interest to the United States and that could s. integrate or generate greater openness. "He explained Jorge Velarde, academic director of EGADE Business School, to the Spanish newspaper Expansión.

The problem with China began after the inauguration of Donald Trump, said Velarde: "It has rushed to Mexico and China with tariffs and restrictions, and is in the process of signing an agreement process that also generates strong pressure around the world on telecommunications and telecommunications companies. market"he said.

Even though the United States is recognized as the cradle of innovation, particularly by its companies and developments in Silicon Valley, this could change in the coming years.

"The attention of the Chinese technocracy willing to invest capital to support technological progress; worried about the ability and number of Chinese engineers compared to their Western counterparts, worried also the size of Chinese companies, economies of scale and focus that these companies can already realize and which make them candidates to develop the trends of the future "He explained Luis de la Calle, economic badyst and director of the Mexican consultant De la Calle, Madrazo, Mancera (CMM).

Huawei is the second largest smartphone maker with the largest number of sales in the world, with 19% of the market, surpbaded only by the South Korean Samsung. However, in the Top 5, 3 of the companies are already of Chinese origin, according to IDC data.

In the 5G market, Huawei is already the world's leading provider of antennas and the United States does not have a competitive business for this development.

Trump calls for restricting Huawei's equipment in building US 5G networks and their allies, citing implausible national security concerns.

Washington DC fears that Beijing will use Huawei's developments to spy on other countries, but has not provided any evidence of the occurrence of such acts.

Huawei's Deputy General Manager, Ken Hu, said at the Potsdam conference on national cyber security that the events showed unjustified behavior.

"In recent days, restrictions have been imposed on Huawei on the basis of unfounded arguments to disrupt our business operations." We believe this behavior is totally unjustified"Said the executive.

With regard to the direct impacts on Huawei and its sales, Wee Teck Loo, Head of research in consumer electronics at Euromonitor, estimated that Huawei had the financial capacity to circumvent the restriction imposed by Google.

"Huawei has the financial strength to sign agreements with individual application developers to increase their offerings in Huawei App Gallery (their app store)." Google's ban encourages the Chinese company to fight even stronger and emerge even stronger"He badured.

At the end of June, the G20 summit will bring together the United States and China in Japan for a trade dialogue. Nobody knows if they will move forward or continue to stagnate.


The truth is that the creator and executive director of Huawei Technologies, Ren Zhengfeihe had a very appreciated gesture in Silicon Valley.

He refused to let Apple punish China.

"In the first place, it will not happen, and second, if it happens, I will be the first to protest" Ren said in an interview with Bloomberg.

"Apple is my teacher, go to the fore … As a student, why go against my teacher? Never", the founder of Huawei said.

The statements of the executive are part of a public campaign in China as a growing number of citizens give up Apple devices for the benefit of Huawei.

But Ren said that he trusted Huawei's efforts to save his market share, reminding that he had the ability to design the "hardware" and "software" that a number of US manufacturers have stopped making available to Chinese society.

"It depends on how quickly our repairers can repair the plane"said the executive director. "No matter what materials you use, be it metal, fabric or paper, the goal is to keep the plane flying"added the founder of China's largest telecommunications company.

According to TechRadar, Alaa Elshimy, Director and Vice President Business Business at Huawei, confirmed that they would launch an operating system from next month: is it June or July?

On 20/05, Google announced that it would partially shut down Huawei's devices from its Android operating system, but the White House granted it an extension until 19/08.

"Huawei knew that it was happening and that it was getting ready, the operating system was ready in January 2018 and it was our" Plan B. "We did not want to put it on the market because we had a solid relationship with Google and others, and we did not want to ruin the relationship, now we're putting it in place next month, " he told TechRadar, Alaa Elshimy.


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