Angela Merkel had tremors for the third time in less than a month


The German Chancellor, Angela Merkelhe still suffered uncontrollable tremors at a public event and they are already three times in just three weeks where you experience this symptom that raises international concerns.

On this occasion, Merkel began to shake by attending the reception of the head of the Government of Finland, Antti Rinnein Berlin during the performance of the national anthems. Witnesses to the act said that the incident lasted a long time although it was not so intense as in the two previous cases.

This third episode deepened concern about the state of health of the German leader. While Merkel tries to remain discreet these days, as at the G20 world leaders summit in Osaka (Japan), all eyes are on her.

In fact, according to the German newspaper Bild, several intelligence agencies of the world they are trying to get Merkel's medical records in an effort to find out what is causing his recent episodes of tremors because they do not believe in the official explanations offered by the German leader.

In the midst of official concerns, Merkel sought to mitigate the fact by baduring that she is "very good" at a joint press conference with Rinne. In addition, he noticed that "there is nothing to fear"The German Chancellor blamed this new spasm, still being processed on June 18, when it received Ukrainian President Volodímir Zelenski.

I feel very well I've already said recently that I'm still in the treatment phase, said Merkel

"I feel very good. I have already said recently that I am still in a stage of pursuit (of the incident) of military honors with President Zelenski. Apparently, it is not finalized at all, but there is progress and I will have to accept it for a while, "Merkel said.

Recidivism. In mid-June, the Foreign Minister trembled when she received with military honors the new Ukrainian President, Volodimir Zelenski. Only nine days later, she presented the same symptom during the appointment of the new Minister of Justice, Christine Lambrecht. The first time he said that it was an episode of dehydration, while in the second he did not give details.



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