Angelus. Francis: “to bring the tenderness of God to suffering humanity”


Pope Francis performed the Angelus Marian prayer from the balcony of the Apostolic Palace in St. Peter’s Square. In his commentary on today’s Gospel (Mk 1,29-39), he underlined: “The reality that we are living in the world because of the pandemic makes this message particularly relevant.”

Vatican City

The Pope reminds us of the story of Mark 1: 29-39, which presents the healing, “on the part of Jesus, of Peter’s mother-in-law and after so many other sick and suffering people who thronged with him”. This is the first physical healing that Evangelist Marcos tells us, he added.

An act of gentleness

Francisco draws our attention to the scene recounted: “the woman was in bed with a fever; Jesus’ attitude and gesture with her are emblematic: “He approached and, taking her by the hand, lifted her” (v. 31), underlines the evangelist. There is a lot of sweetness in this simple act, which seems almost natural: “The fever left her and she began to serve them.

He then says: “The healing power of Jesus meets no resistance; and the healed person resumes their normal life, immediately thinking of others and not of themselves – and this is significant, it is a sign of real health! “. The Pope adds: “That day was a Saturday. The inhabitants of the city waited for nightfall, then, having finished the obligation of rest, they went out and brought to Jesus all the sick and demoniacs ”.

Jesus’ favorites

Francis emphasizes that “Jesus shows his predilection for people who suffer in body and mind: it is the predilection of the Father, whom he incarnates and manifests through works and words”. And he again draws our attention to the action of Jesus: “His disciples were eyewitnesses”, but Jesus does not want them as observers, spectators of his mission.

This is where the strength of the mission is born: Jesus “involved them, he sent them, he also gave them the power to heal the sick and cast out demons (cf. Mt 10.1; Mc 6.7) “. And this mission has continued in the life of the Church to this day, insists Francis.

The mission of the Church is “to bring the tenderness of God to suffering humanity” and it is not “something optional, something accessory”, says Francis, it is an integral part of the Church’s mission, “as was that of Jesus.”

The Pope recalls that, in a few days, February 11, will be the World Day of the Sick, “instituted by Saint John Paul II, who also donated the Apostolic Letter to the Church. Economy and pain; on the Christian significance of human suffering (February 11, 1984) ”.

Topicality of this message

The Pope notes that “The reality that we are living in the world due to the pandemic makes this message particularly relevant. Jacob’s voice, which resonates in today’s liturgy, once again becomes an interpreter of our human condition, so high in dignity and at the same time so fragile. Faced with this reality, the question always arises in the heart: “why?”

The bishop of Rome specifies that “Jesus, the Incarnate Word, answers this question not by an explanation, but by a presence of love which bows, which takes the hands and makes them raise, as it has it. made with Peter’s mother. law. (Cfr Mc 1.31). Bend over to lift the other person. Let’s not forget that the only allowed, the only allowed way to look at a person is when you reach out to help them up. The special one. And this is the mission that Jesus entrusted to the Church. The Son of God manifests his Lordship not “from above down”, not from a distance, but in closeness, in tenderness, in compassion “.

Francis insists once again: “Closeness, tenderness, compassion are the style of God. God draws closer and draws closer with tenderness and compassion (…) The compassion of Jesus, the closeness of God in Jesus is the style of God ”.

What is nurtured compassion?

Francis emphasizes that “today’s Gospel also reminds us that this compassion has its roots in the intimate relationship with the Father: before dawn and after dusk, Jesus would withdraw and remain alone to pray (v. 35). ). From there he drew the strength to carry out his ministry of preaching and healing.

May the Blessed Virgin help us to allow ourselves to be healed by Jesus – we always need it, all of us – in order to be able to witness the healing tenderness of God ”.


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