Angelus. The Pope recalls the importance of making peace in the family


On the Feast of the Holy Family, Pope Francis invites us to follow the model of the Nazareth family and gives some advice for a healthy family environment: “If you argue, catch up on the same day, the cold war the next day is very dangerous. “.

Mireia Bonilla – Vatican City

“That of Nazareth is the model family in which all families in the world can find their solid reference point and solid inspiration.” With these words, Pope Francis began his speech today before reciting the Angelus marine prayer, this Sunday, December 27, during which the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Holy Family. The Pope recalled that, in imitation of the Holy Family, “we are called to rediscover the educational value of the family nucleus, which must be based on a love which always regenerates relationships, opens up horizons of hope”.

Characteristics for living a sincere communion in the family

The Pontiff also explained that in order for the family to experience sincere communion, it is necessary to give a series of characteristics: to become “a house of prayer”, to maintain “deep and pure affections”, to make “forgiveness over discord” prevail. which “the daily harshness of life is softened by mutual tenderness and by serene adherence to the will of God”. “This is how – Francis stressed – that the family opens up to the joy that God gives to all those who know how to give with joy”, but also “finds the spiritual energy to open up to the outside world, to others, in the service of their brothers, in collaboration for the construction of an ever new and better world; capable, therefore, of being the carrier of positive stimuli; evangelize with the example of life ”.

Pope’s advice: never end the day without making amends

And speaking of families, the Pope once again expressed some of the advice he always gives for a healthy family environment. “It is true that in each of the families there are problems, sometimes they argue – he says – but I tell you one thing: if you argue as a family, do not end the day without being forgiven.” The Pope recalls that it is important to make peace on the same day, “because the cold war of the next day is very dangerous and does not help”.

Likewise, he re-enunciated the three words that should always prevail in a family: permission, thank you and sorry. “Permission not to be intrusive in the lives of others”, so thank you, thank you for so much help and service that we render in the family, always give thanks, but gratitude is the blood of the noble soul “and then” most difficult to pronounce: Sorry. ”Because as the Pope said:“ we always do ugly things and someone may feel offended ”.

Special year dedicated to the family: an opportunity to deepen the document Amoris laetitia

During the Angelus, the Holy Father also recalled that today’s Feast “presents to us the ideal of conjugal and family love, as the apostolic exhortation emphasizes. Joy “ – whose fifth anniversary of promulgation will take place on March 19 – announcing that there will be a year of reflection on Joy and this will be an opportunity to deepen the content of the document.

Finally, the Pope asked the Virgin Mary “to make families all over the world feel more and more fascinated by the evangelical ideal of the Holy Family, so that they become a leaven of new humanity and of concrete solidarity. and universal ”.

After praying to the mother in heaven, the Holy Father addressed a special thought “to the families who, in recent months, have lost a loved one or have been judged for the consequences of the pandemic”, but he also addresses “the doctors , nurses and all health workers, whose great commitment on the front line in the fight against the spread of the virus has had a significant impact on family life. “And before concluding, he entrusted to the Lord” all the families, especially those most affected by the difficulties of life and by the wounds of incomprehension and division “.


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