Anger and tears: for photos with cellulite, Wanda got fed up


The media asked her to leave a child's job for natural images: she escaped the flare-ups and was uploaded to Twitter

  Anger and tears: for cellulite pics , Wanda is fed up

Wanda fighting the media / web seat

Wanda Nara has become famous with entertainment programs. She also recognizes this, but believes that this "debt" is already paid, which is why she got angry when she found herself, after leaving a child labor she had did with his daughters, with a stream of media who wanted to ask him questions. "natural" photos that appeared last week

The scene had as protagonists Icardi's wife, her two little daughters, her sister Zaira and a niece, who, in the middle of the winter holidays, had gone to see a show for the little ones: the notaries of the show, knowing this, was waiting for them at the exit of the theater to continue the hot topic of the week, adulteration or not of those photos that they took in the street, and Wanda was so angry that ended up escaping in silence between the tears: his, and also that of one of his daughters, who could not stand the seat of the logs.

Before that, the production of the show called the security personnel of the complex, Hermanas Nara and his daughters were able to leave the place without being interrupted.

The next day, Wanda turned to the networks to talk about the subject: "Everything is very funny, a lot of talk.But everything has a limit and the right of journalists ends the day I decide to go out with my daughters in Buenos Aires for a CHILDREN'S theater and devoting myself to winter vacations with my niece, "he said on Twitter, 19659005]" Surely they did a lot for me "He said in the media, but added that" more than loaded, years ago, I do not owe anyone to anyone. I gave them a lot of subjects; real, invented or transformed. Why give notes? If they go to the ground, hatred, resentment and envy invade them. "

" I am sorry for new journalists, or those who are trying to be different but among a crowd above me it is difficult to distinguish "and with a very harsh criticism:" Today's Now, when they complete their programs saying "Wanda did not want to talk to the press," do not forget to add in the chart "we went to disturb (while she was her girls and niece) about what she thought of the great controversy of cellulite, "fired …


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