Angry at criticism, China Suárez broke out on Twitter


Marcela Tauro spoke about her in Intruders and the actress came to answer him

For several weeks, the

China Suarez
is in Spain accompanying his partner, Benjamín Vicuña, who
records the second season of the Vis à Vis series. For this reason, Marley took advantage of the actress's stay in this city to accompany her in the most recent delivery of her program
Around the world .

Together with Mirko –
the driver's son – and the little Magnolia –
fruit of the relationship of Vicuña and Suarez- in the arms,
both visited the Spanish capital and shared with viewers several postcards of his life as parents of babies.

In social networks, however, criticism did not take long to come. In principle, they blamed Suarez for always having his daughter with her on camera. In fact, both with her and with her eldest daughter, Rufina, the actress prefers not to show her face either in the media or in networks, to protect their privacy. But despite a decision that the actress has been keeping strictly since the birth of their eldest daughter, many were surprised and expressed their dissatisfaction.

others, pointed out how hot the baby was in the European summer. And as often happens, the controversy was later transferred to chimento programs. "Why not show it?" It was like a poncho "I did not see anything but I noticed angry people in the networks," Jorge Rial said.
Intruder . The answer came from one of his panelists,

Marcela Tauro
. "For what I did not show her, she looked like a doll on her back, it was weird," she says.

Although she is not a friend of the critics, the journalist seems to have touched a very intimate fiber. So, she decided to answer directly via her Twitter account.

"Hi, Marcela Tauro, if I had to seek advice from someone for my motherhood, I would not turn to you." My daughter was stoned because the sun is strong and it's recommended my pediatrician, thank you very much, "wrote the former
Almost angels.

Later, when a disciple remarked that she had a lot of patience, she looked into the subject and explained the reason for her answer. "I'm done, you do your best, so that bad milk comes in. I hate that you fiddle with my daughters," he replied.

Hi Marcela Tauro, if I had to ask a woman for advice on maternity issues I would not call on you. My daughter was stoned because the sun is strong and that's what my pediatrician recommended. Thank you very much. & – Eugenia Suarez [R] (@chinasuarez)
July 10, 2018

I am finished. You do the best you can always. While a bad milk has just been swept away. I hate that they mess with my daughters. & – Eugenia Suarez [R] (@chinasuarez)
July 10, 2018

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