Angry because Greenland is not sold, Trump canceled a trip to Denmark


The Republican was going to meet the Danish Prime Minister but canceled on Twitter Source: Reuters

WASHINGTON.- In another sample, your diplomacy via
President of
United States, Donald Trump,
he canceled a few hours ago the meeting he had scheduled with the
Prime Minister
Mette Frederiksen, because of their lack of interest in the sale
Greenland, territory with abundant
natural resources.

A few days after the agenda
The Wall Street Journal publish a story that suggested that the Republican was interested in
acquire this island, and after confirmation by Trump, but badured that
This is an issue that is badyzed and not a priority, the President was unhappy with his Danish couple because he said that Greenland
This was not for sale.

"Denmark is a very special country, but given the words of Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will postpone the scheduled meeting in two weeks" , tweeted Trump. "The minister has saved a lot of US and Danish spending and effort by being so direct, I appreciate it and hope that we will reprogram it in the future," the president wrote. .

Denmark is a very special country with incredible people, but, based on the words of Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, saying that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will postpone our planned meeting in two weeks for another time …. & – Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
August 20, 2019

Shortly after his post, White House spokesman Judd Deere said the visit to Denmark had already been canceled. Trump was due to leave at the end of August for a tour that also included Poland.

… The Prime Minister has been able to save a lot of money and effort for the United States and Denmark by being as direct. I thank her for that and am looking forward to reprogramming in the future! & – Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
August 20, 2019

The Royal Danish House, which had invited Trump at the invitation, expressed his "surprise" in a written message broadcast by Danish public television DR. In addition, Danish politicians have expressed their surprise at the decision of the American.

"Reality transcends fiction", this "man is unpredictable", said in a tweet Martin Østergaard, leader of the radical left part of the parliamentary majority. "Without any reason, Trump thinks that one (self-sufficient) part of our country is up for sale, and then insultingly insulting a visit prepared by everyone." Is there any part of the United States to sell? Alaska? ", Reacted conservative leader Rasmus Jarlov" Please, more respect. "

Trump is angry in Denmark because he does not want to sell Greenland and suspended a meeting
Trump is angry in Denmark because he does not want to sell Greenland and suspended a meeting Source: AP – Credit: Felipe Dana

Why Trump wants to buy Greenland

"A big real estate company." This is how Trump this week defined his interest in the island, a Danish colony until 1953, when he entered the Kingdom of Denmark, and since 1979, an "autonomous territory". Located in the North Atlantic, it is three times larger than Texas. It has an area of ​​two million square kilometers, a population of barely 57,000 inhabitants and a large area covered with ice.

It is also a gigantic Arctic region rich in natural resources such as water, oil, gas, gold, diamonds, uranium, zinc and lead, of which many are unexploited.

Trump is angry in Denmark because he does not want to sell Greenland and suspended a meeting
Trump is angry in Denmark because he does not want to sell Greenland and suspended a meeting Source: AP – Credit: Felipe Dana

Its main industry comes from fishing: the island, cod and shrimp canned and frozen, published by the newspaper
El Comercio, which also ensures that the extractive industries work an average of 124 people a month.

Greenland also has a strategic location and the United States is increasingly interested in the Arctic, especially because
Russia and
China They have an active presence there. In fact, the US military operated for decades at the Thule base, located between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans.

A few days ago, Trump said in a tweet about the territory: "It's basically a large-scale real estate contract.Many things can be done.It is very damaging to Denmark, as they lose nearly $ 700 million each year, they have big losses. "

Trump is angry in Denmark because he does not want to sell Greenland and suspended a meeting
Trump is angry in Denmark because he does not want to sell Greenland and suspended a meeting Source: Reuters

AP and AFP agencies



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