ANMAT bans brands of beer, biscuits, olive oil and condiments


The measure was taken because the agency's Technical Assessment Department did not record "gluten-free" labels in this beer and stated that the product was a " appropriate additional label ".

At the same time, provision 8517/2019 prohibited the marketing in Argentina of the following condiments of the company Poo Alimentoos: "Provencal, parsley and garlic, net weight 25 g, RNPA No. 02-598267, lot 190405, expiry date" : April 2021 "," Nutmeg, net weight 25g, RNPA No. 02-564410, lot 190401, expiry date: April 2021 "and" Pesto, net weight 20g, RNPA Expte. No. 4075-219-10, lot 190327, expiry date: March 2021 "," extra sweet paprika, net weight 50g, RNPA No. 02-598274, lot 190404, expiry date: April 2021 "and" red pepper, net weight 50g, are also included. RNPA No. 02-598292, lot 190405, expiry date: April 2021 ".

In the case of these products, it was detected that it was "adulterated food" containing elements external to their composition.

In addition, by the provision 8512/2019, the marketing of the product in Argentina was prohibited: "Cheese Cookies, Omega 9, 0% trans fat." Approximate weight: 140 grams "due to lack of information on its label.

It was stated in this regard that the label does not include identification of the origin (neither the company name nor the address of the subcontractor nor the RNE number). is given), neither the batch identification, nor the RNPA number nor the denomination, the fortification of the ingredient in wheat flour is not declared, the nutritional information is not registered, the mark is not declared and the label contains legends that do not comply with the provisions of the regulation ".

In addition, the use and marketing of "extra virgin olive oil, Finca Don Franceso brand" were prevented because the processing establishment and the food product are not registered with official bodies.


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