Anniversary of the attack on AMIA: "As long as we live in impunity, the pain remains the same as in 1994"


Anniversary of the attack of AMIA Credit: Silvana Colombo

Under the slogan "85 uprooted lives, 25 years of impunity", the Israelite Mutual Association of Argentina (AMIA) commemorated today with its 25th anniversary the 25th anniversary of the 39th anniversary of attack that destroyed his seat and killed 85 people.

President Mauricio Macri did not attend the ceremony, but the chief of staff, Marcos Peña, ministers Patricia Bullrich (Security) and Germán Garavano (Justice) and the secretary for human rights, Claudio Avruj.

25 anniversary of the bombing of AMIA
25 anniversary of the bombing of AMIA Credit: Silvana Colombo

At 9:53, the exact time of the attack, a siren sounds. As every year, at the beginning of the act, the names of all people who died during the attack were read, a candle was lit and a rose was placed in his memory. A video preceded the speech of the President of AMIA,
Ariel Eichbaum.

"Twenty-five years after one of the most traumatic moments in the history of our country, we have the heart and the soul with the same pain that the lethal bomb has left us," he said. he declared. "Twenty-five years later, we wonder what is the origin of the hatred that drives a group of people to conceive, plan and execute a terrorist attack for the sole purpose of destroying the lives of other beings. humans, that they have chosen as the target of their fundamentalist ideas "he added.

"How is it possible that twenty-five years later [del atentado a la AMIA] There is not a single person in prison serving time for this crime against humanity, "Eichbaum summed up.

The full speech of Ariel Eichbaum, President of AMIA, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the attack

3:51 p.m.

In addition, the president of AMIA mentioned international cooperation in clarifying the attack. "We need the whole international community to understand that these people are being sought by the Argentine justice system to be held accountable," he said.

"Without the support of all countries, they will continue to make fun of us and continue to prevent us from having justice," he added.

In addition, the head of the AMIA spoke about the late prosecutor Alberto Nisman, head of the AMIA tax unit until his death in January 2015. "Unfortunately, we know very little of things, but we know that Alberto Nisman has been murdered. "AMIA case prosecutor," he said.

Act for the 25th anniversary of the AMIA attack
Act for the 25th anniversary of the AMIA attack Credit: Silvana Colombo

Then Florentino Sanguinetti, director of the clinic hospital at the time of the attack, spoke, then Sofia Guterman, mother of Andrea, died the same day.

"How to measure an absence? How to measure 85 absences?" They lie without rights, but they have the right to know why justice is denied to them ", terrorism spreads around the world." If the governments of all the countries do not do it Unite to fight it, the attacks will continue to shake us, "said Guterman.

After discussing the "murder" of Nisman prosecutor Guterman said: "Sincerely, Ms. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the memorandum with Iran was a betrayal of 85 dead, their families and the entire society."

"Terrorism is not accepted, terrorism is denounced," he said. "It is not credible that a pact with Iran was naïve, some spurious reasons had to be," he added.

Led by the journalist Fernando Bravo, the central commemoration summoned the survivors of the attack, relatives of the victims, officials and diplomatic representatives, community leaders and other referents. There was also music by Lito Vitale and Juan Carlos Baglietto.

Lito Vitale and Juan Carlos Baglietto played "Things move"




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