Announce the entrance of a cold front and rain


From the National Directorate of Meteorology, indicate that this Saturday the cold will return this morning. Rains scattered over a large part of the territory.

The arrival of a new cold front is expected, which will manifest during this morning in the south of the region; between the afternoon and the night for the rest of the country, including the capital.

Accompanied by the southerly winds and therefore the rain is initially forecasted in the south, which later, at the end of the day, could be presented in the center of the two regions, in a light and intermittent way.

While this Sunday, this precipitation would occur in different parts of the country, with occasional thunderstorms for the south and the center and east of the eastern region, the climate improvement will be given Monday [19659003] With the entry of this cold front, we expect a drop in temperatures, by the end of this day the environment would become cool, and tomorrow, mostly cold. Over the next few days, dawn would continue cold with a hot afternoon, noted meteorologist Cintia Espinola

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