Announcement of the Pokémon 2019 movie: "Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution"


The Movie The Story of Pokémon: Everyone was created today in Japan and at the end of the credits, the first clip of the movie Pokémon next year is out, revealing that it will be a new film based on the original Pokémon movie.

It will be titled "Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution". For the moment we do not know if it is a sequel, a remake or a brand new inspired from the original (in the style of I have chosen!)

In the teaser seen in the Japanese theaters you could hear Masachika Ichimura, the original voice of Mewtwo, saying "Who am I? Where am I?", stating that he will come back with his role of Mewtwo. The Japanese movie logo is the same as the original with the word "Evolution" added in the lower right corner.

For the moment there are no more details. We will notify as soon as the preview video has been released or when The Pokémon Company makes an official announcement.

Thanks to DogasusBackpack .

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